Page 31 of Grimm

Oh my God.

My eyes widen, and I clutch my fists. “Who would do that?”

“I can’t tell you that, Apricot,” he grunts, shaking his head. “Hell, I shouldn’t have told you as much as I just did, but you have a right to know that much for certain.”

The bell over the door rings again. I glance in that direction and stiffen at the sight of my man coming in, his features set in stone and he’s glaring at us.

“Hey,” I murmur, his eyes coming to me.

He doesn’t return my greeting as he storms across the room. Grimm doesn’t stop until he’s directly in Tripp’s face. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

“Grimm,” I snap, getting his attention. “Stop and get out of Tripp’s face. We were just talking.”

Grimm cocks his head slightly and narrows his gaze on me. “About what?”

Rolling my eyes, I open my mouth to answer him, but Tripp beats me to it.

“Relax, I’m only here to make sure she’s safe.”

“Why wouldn’t she be? I’ve got eyes on this place when she’s not with me,” Grimm grumbles as his cell phone starts ringing. And again, the bell over my door rings, this time to Sutherland stepping inside.

“Everything good in here?” he asks.

“Yes, just Grimm and Tripp having a caveman moment,” I mutter, annoyed with the whole situation. “I’m going to get my things ready to go while you all have it out. Just don’t ruin any of my displays.” Spinning on my heel, I stomp away, done with all of the he-man acts. All Tripp was doing was making sure I was okay, and Grimm wants to come in and be a complete jerk. He doesn’t even say ‘hey’ to me.Just jumps right in on the fact Tripp is here.

Shaking my head, I decide to get my things together, make sure everything is put away in its proper places, and shut down the shop. By the time I make it to the front again, Sutherland and Tripp are gone, leaving me alone with Grimm. His eyes meet mine, and I can’t help but again wonder what’s happening between us for him to lose interest.

“Ready?” he asks gruffly.

“Yeah, just need to set the alarm and lock the doors,” I inform him as I did yesterday.

“Right then, let’s go.” Grimm doesn’t wait for me as he walks away, expecting me to follow.

I do, but only so that when I get outside, I can tell him I want to go to my place. As much as I want to talk with him and demand to know what’s going on, I’m scared to know the truth and think maybe we need space.

I lock the doors with Grimm standing there, tension rolling off him in waves. “Take me home,” I whisper, not sure if he heard me or not.

“Gotta get Justice first,” Grimm states, guiding me to the passenger side of the truck.

“No.” I stand my ground. “I want you to take me to my place. Then you can go get Justice and take him to yours.” The thought of being away from that little boy hurts just the same as it does when I think of not being with Grimm.

“Come again?” Grimm demands, turning me to face him.

I straighten my shoulders and hold my head high. “I said take me to my place first.”


A tinge of uneasiness flows over me as Grimm steps back.

“I just want to go to my place. I think we need time apart.”

“Time apart?” he repeats, his lip curling at the side in a sneer. “Right, I’ll take you home. Get in the fuckin’ truck.”

I flinch at the harsh tone of his voice, unsure of what to expect next. Is this it? Is he done?