Page 3 of Grimm

It’s why tonight I ended up ditching the piece of ass I’d been thinking of fucking. But even I’ll admit in my head it wasn’t the bitch I would’ve been sinking into but Apricot.

I don’t know what it is about the woman but she’s under my skin and has been for a long while now.

I rev the throttle more, speeding down the highway, going faster, wondering what the hell I should do. Maybe a trip to Indiana is what I need. Get away for a while.

Yeah, that’s exactly what I need. Hopefully, when I come back, I’ll be able to forget about the woman who haunts my every thought.



“A flower shop? Are you serious?” Kasey, my best friend in the whole world asks. I just finished telling her what I’d finally planned to do while we take the time to enjoy our coffees.

In the last two weeks since the party, I’d done a lot of thinking.

And I mean a lot.

I’ve done my research and know this is the right course for me. I love flowers, so why not? I have a business degree and want to do something I love, so working with flowers is always a great way to spend my time. Bonus with Fawn being an event planner, I’d easily have clientele coming in through her.

“Yep, I’ve got it all lined up and found the perfect location.” I grin, lifting the mug to my lips and my gaze drifts. My grin grows at the sight of Sutherland and the guy standing with him.

“I don’t know if you’re being nuts about this,” Kasey mutters, but I ignore her and wave to Sutherland.

He’s one of Viking’s friends. He’s close with the other guys at the club as well but he’s tighter with my cousin and Ice.

“Apricot,” he greets, coming to stand by our table with a to-go cup in his hand. His grin moves from me to Kasey. “Kasey.”

“Roman.” Kasey rolls her eyes and looks at the guy standing beside Sutherland. Considering Kasey and Sutherland are cousins, I get her eye roll. She’s always thinking he or one of her two brothers is checking up on her and butting their noses in her business. “This your new partner?” she asks, and my eyes go to the guy.

Talk about hottie. I don’t think anyone else could be as hot as him. Well, I take that back . . . Grimm would be number one, but he’s not here, so he doesn’t count. Not really.

I shove all thoughts of Grimm to the back of my mind and smile. I don’t need to think of him. Thinking of him always makes me confused about my feelings for him. It also doesn’t help that I’d heard he’d left town to go up and check in on things with Rampage at the Indiana charter right after the party. But regardless I’ve kept my distance still from the clubhouse not knowing when he’s coming back.In order to get over him and what I wish we could have, I can’t see him. Not when he holds my heart still and I need to break that grasp.

“Yeah, this is Tripp Sanchez. You probably don’t remember him,” Sutherland says, introducing us to his partner. “Tripp, you know Konner and Kamden’s little sister, Kasey, my cousin, and this is Viking’s cousin, Apricot.”

“Yeah, I remember the little sister Konner and Kamden used to always bitch about.” Tripp chuckles, and damn if it isn’t a great sound. His eyes come to mine, and he reaches out to take my hand. “Nice to meet you. Knew your cousin back in school before I moved away for college.”

“Nice to meet you as well.” I smile and pull away, indicating the extra chairs at our table. “Would you two like to join us?”

“No, they wouldn’t,” Kasey snaps.

“Love too,” Sutherland says at the same time.

“We were having a conversation here.” Kasey huffs, leaning back in her chair.

“It’s done, Kasey. I’ve already started the process,” I say, putting an end to the conversation. There’s no way she’s gonna talk me out of it.

“Started what process?” Sutherland asks as he and Tripp take a seat.

“I’m opening a flower shop in town,” I announce, sitting straight in my chair, smiling.

“A flower shop?” Tripp repeats Kasey’s earlier question, quirking a brow as he gives me a half grin.

“Yes, a flower shop. Is there something wrong with me wanting to open a shop filled with flowers?”

“Not at all.” Tripp’s lips tilt farther upward into a full-on grin. “Got to admire a woman wanting to get her hands dirty with running a business and working with plants.”

“Well . . . thank you.” I don’t know what else to say considering he surprised me with his answer.