Page 16 of Grimm

“Yeah, you said you needed to go help Maverick, and you had church last night.”

“I did, but I’ll let them know something came up and I couldn’t get away.” I grin.

“Something came up?” She gives me a look of confusion.

Grinning, I pull her directly in my arms and grip her chin tilting her head back as I lower mine. “Something came up,” I whisper against her lips and pull her tighter against me so she can feel that I’m already hard for her again. I don’t think I’ve ever been hard like this for anyone.

“Oh,” she murmurs and loses the tension.

“Dimples.” I release her chin and press my forehead to hers. “I’m not gonna get in trouble for being with you, but I sure as fuck won’t be telling them our festivities. I don’t think your dad or cousin and uncle want to hear that shit. I told you I don’t share, and that’s one of the things I won’t be doing.”

“Okay.” Apricot nods and closes her eyes.

“Now, do you need any help with anything this morning before I take off? You got this place opening today, and you didn’t get to finish last night. Figure I help you with what you need.”

“I just have to finish putting plants in pots, arranging a few things, and setting up the rest of my displays.”

“Right, then let’s get to it.” I give her a squeeze and kiss her open mouth before stepping away. If I don’t, I’ll fuck her again here and now. And we don’t have time for that. This shop is important to Apricot, and I want to see her succeed in what she loves most. During the last week, I saw first-hand how much this means to her.

* * *

“What the hell happened to you yesterday?” Maverick starts in on me the instant I step foot into the clubhouse.

“Something came up.” I shrug, joining up next to the bar. “Anything important happen in church?” I ask, wanting to get a feel for what I’m looking at with Viking and Ice.

“Considering Rocco was spiking a temp, Ice pushed church back, didn’t you get the message saying Viking and Fawn took the kid to the ER?” Maverick quirks a brow at me, and I pull my phone out to check.

Here lately, I’ve been having issues with the damn thing, it’ll be good for a while, and I’ll get shit when I’m supposed to, then it’ll fuck with me. I unlock the screen and pull up messages. Nothing new. I show the screen to Maverick. “I didn’t get a message.”

“Fuck, you sure you didn’t delete it?”

“I don’t delete shit when it’s in the group text or otherwise unless it’s some bimbo bitch that won’t take the hint.”

Maverick laughs and shakes his head. “You need to get a new phone, brother. You’ve had that same one for what, five years now?”

“What the hell do I need to spend money on a phone for? This one ain’t broke yet. Just got some hiccups. Maybe Pirate can take a look and fix it.” I don’t like wasting money if I don’t have to. Growing up with nothing, I like to keep what I have. That or invest it into something that will still give me a return, like the townhouses that I bought and renovated where Apricot lives.

The only time I splurged on anything is when I took the profits of the townhomes I’d received after the first year and bought a place out in the woods. At the time, it was a heap. I fixed it up with my brothers’ help, and now it’s my haven when I need to be alone. No one other than those in the club know about the place.

“Right, whatever you say.” He grins and looks over my shoulder, the grin getting wider. “Incoming.”

“Great,” I mutter and twist to see who is joining us and groan at the sight of Toots and Wooly heading in our direction. “I’m out of here.” I grunt and go in search of Pirate. I don’t need one of the torpedoes or as the ol’ ladies dubbed them torpe-da-hoes to cause me problems. I finally got my shit together where Apricot was involved, and I’m not about to fuck it up.

Especially after last night, the way shit fit around me was better than any other bitch I’ve ever been in. And because of her going to my head, I’d done something I never do, I forgot the condoms. Neither of us said anything about it yet, but I’m gonna have to ask her if she’s on the pill or not. The thought of her carrying my kid pops into my head, but I shake it off just as quickly as it comes on. I’m not ready for that shit.

I knock on the door to Pirate’s office, and I wait for him to call out. Lately, he’s all but living in here with all he has to work on and look into.

“Yeah,” Pirate yells.

I open the door, immediately regretting it. “What the fuck, man?” I growl, turning, not wanting to watch the man get his dick sucked by Dreamboat. “I don’t need to see this shit, Pirate.”

“You’re the one who knocked on my door, now, what do you need?” He grunts. Out of the corner of my eye, I watch as he leans back in his chair and wraps his hands in Dreamboat’s hair.

“Need you to have a look at my phone again. It’s acting up.”

“I told you the last time to get a new one.” Pirate snorts. “It’s old as shit in the electronic world and it’s time to upgrade.”

I released a frustrated breath and pinched the bridge of my nose. “Fine, I’ll get a new fuckin’ phone.”Spinning on my heel, I stalk out of his room and head for the main room. There’s a lot of shit to deal with, and considering it’s Apricot’s opening day, I wanna get what I have to do done and get back to her.