Page 71 of The Secret of Raven

He knows who I am.

Which more than likely means Jax and Hunter do, too.

Why didn’t they tell me?




I glance down at all the stuff surrounding me, but ultimately, I pick up the papers.

Lists of names of people and purchases, like they were being sold. But I can tell they’re code names. Still, one sticks out to me. Three words, but I feel them in my bones.

The Raven Four.

They were sold many times. But, to who? And, why?

And, what about my parents? Did they know? Did they do this to me and I killed them for it?

The answers my mind conjures up are enough to make me wish I were dead.

The pain … it’s aching inside me, begging to get out.

Memories are flashing through my mind, bright and toxic.

It’s like now that I’ve seen pieces of the past, my mind is screaming the truth at me. It’s bloody. It’s ugly. It’s so damn painful.

I should run.

Run the fuck away from here and never look back.

But I have nowhere to go. I’m alone in this world.





Agonizing pain tears at my chest as I continue reading. Every piece of paper is worse than the other. But I keep going, seeking the truth. But ultimately I reach an end that breaks me. What I find, though, on the last piece of paper isn’t what I expected it to be. It’s not about the guys, my family, or whoever wrote the papers. No, it’s about me. And what I find on it is horrifying, like straight out of a nightmare.

I start rummaging around for a razor blade, craving the bite of the metal over the pain. Part of me hopes I don’t find one, though, because I’m too wound up and out of control, so I might cut too deeply. But the other part of me doesn’t care, wants to find it more than anything.

And I do. I find one lying on the top of his dresser. Just there so easily.

I grab it, my hand shaking, and prepare myself to let it all out, no matter what it takes.



Parties fucking annoy me so badly. This one is worse because I don’t trust a single person here. I want to leave, but I’m worried. Something has been off about this entire thing. I mean, the day we get a snow day is the same day Benton throws this party? And then Hunter’s father has some secret meeting with Raven’s uncle. Not to mention, it’s a day after Porter told me about Raven and that she is Willow.

Plus, that stupid family game is going on.