Page 45 of The Secret of Raven

“That we’re not perverts?” Jax questions with a quirk of his brow.

“What? No, that’s not what I meant. I just … I don’t know … All of this—the cameras, the spying on people—it’s a little weird to me.” Great, I sound like a rambling dumbass.

His face changes to sympathetic. “I know. And I was just giving you a hard time. I don’t really think that you think we’re perverts.”

“That’s good to know.”

“It is, isn’t it?” He’s smiling now.

So am I.

His smile fades a little, but not entirely as he turns away from me and scans the room for a place to put the camera.

While he’s looking around, I decide to ask him a question that’s been bothering me.

“Everything’s okay, right? With you and Hunter and … well, just everything?”

He nods, but I detect the briefest stiffness in his shoulders. “Everything’s fine. This morning and the drama … we worked past that.”

“Oh.” I rub my lips together. “Cool.”

He tosses a glance at me with his brow arched. “Cool?”

I shrug. “I honestly don’t know what to say because what’s going on is weird, at least according to Zay.”

He gapes at me. “Zay’s been telling you things about Hunter and me?”

“Um …” I shrug again. “Kind of.” I feel like I put my foot in my mouth, and it’s annoying.

He faces me fully and fiddles with the camera in his hand. “What exactly did he say?”

I absentmindedly brush my fingers along the hickey on my neck. “That I’m causing problems, which I’m starting to think that I am.”

He promptly shakes his head then hastily reduces the space between us. “You’re not causing problems between us at all. In fact, you might be starting to heal some of those problems.”

“Jax, you’ve known me for only a few days,” I point out. “There’s no way you can possibly know that yet.”

“No, I do.” His eyes burn fiercely as he stares at me, begging me to understand.

But I don’t.

Maybe because I am clueless.

Or maybe because they aren’t telling me things.

“Okay.” I take the camera from him. “So, how do we set this thing up, anyway?”

He studies me for a beat, and I feel like he might be disappointed in my response. But it’s all I can give him for now.

Because I don’t want to accept that yet, that perhaps they really are going to be my best friends, and I’ll never have to be alone again. That’s the thing about being alone for so long while being bullied—you start to doubt the good things and be more accepting of the bad. I don’t like being that way, but it’s all I can give for the moment.

A half-broken raven.

Kind of like the one we found in the snow last night.