Page 43 of The Secret of Raven

“I appreciate it, Jax, I really do, but I don’t want you guys spending money on me like this,” she says, still looking at him in that sexy, pouty way.

“If you don’t like it, I can take it back,” he says, flexing his fingers. “I just … I just thought you’d like it.”

“I do.” Her gaze lowers to the case. “It’s really pretty.”

“Then keep it.” Jax loses his restraint and reaches out to brush a strand of her hair out of her face. “I want you to have it.”

“Jesus,” Low mumbles, watching the scene with an astonished look on her face. “Dude, you’ve got Jaxon Capperellie whipped.”

Both of them blink, and then Raven glances at Low, giving her a pressing look, while Jaxon just stares at Raven like he can’t take his eyes off her.

“I do not,” Raven grits out, glowering at Low.

“Okay.” Low’s tone oozes sarcasm

Raven rolls her eyes. “Whatever.” She looks at Jaxon then, shifting her weight, and I can tell she’s embarrassed.

Before Low can add fuel to the fire, which I know she will since she shares the same twisted, sarcastic sense of humor as me, I say, “As fun as it is to watch you two squirm, we have a lot of shit to do. But later, if you want, I can embarrass both of you so you can go back to your squirming.”

Jax throws me an unimpressed look while Raven flips me the middle finger.

That gets me to grin, and Raven returns it, although I can tell she’s trying not to.

“I’m guessing that’s my cue to leave,” Low remarks as she glances at her phone. Then she grimaces. “Which I guess is okay since it’s tutoring time.” She wavers. “I guess it’s not totally bad since my tutor is hot.”

I shake my head. “Do not flirt with the tutor.”

She flashes me a mischievous grin. “I’ll try, but no promises.” With that, she wiggles her fingers at everyone. “See ya later.” She starts for the door, walking backward and looking at Raven. “And Raven, call me if you want me to come back and help you get ready for the party.” She looks at me. “Or if you guys decide to invite me.” She grins playfully, but deep down, I think she might be hurt that I’m not inviting her.

But I’m not doing that for her own protection. Because the last thing I need is for my little sister to get caught up in this world more than my father is already forcing her to be. I wish I could do that for myself, too, but until I graduate and get the hell out of Honeyton, I’m stuck in it.

I just hope everything works out as planned, but I have this horrible feeling my future might be changing in a direction I’m not sure of.

And I don’t like it at all.



I don’t want to accept the phone or the case, but Jax is looking at me in a way that makes it difficult to say no. So,le sigh, I’m going to take the phone and case for now, but one day, I will pay him back.

Jax is holding my hand. He seems a bit raveled, like he’s stressed out. He was the last time I saw him, and I’m not positive why. I worry, though, that it has to do with him and Hunter. I think I may be causing problems, like Zay has implied several times. Maybe I should just go back to my aunt and uncle’s house …

Yeah, that thought kind of crumbles when Hunter informs us of something he discovered on the security cameras at their house.

“That’s your dad?” I ask as I squint at the computer screen.

I’m sitting on the sofa between Jax and Hunter. Both of them are sitting close enough that their legs are pressed against mine. And like I said earlier, Jax is holding my hand. Their body heat and the scent of their cologne is wrapped around me like a warm blanket.

“It is.” Hunter’s voice is tight, conveying his disdain for the scene happening on the computer screen. “I’m not sure why he’s there, and the audio isn’t picking up.”

“You said Zay’s there, though.” Jax leans forward, scratching his chin with his free hand. “Did you try to text him after you talked to him to see if you can get any more details?”

“I did, but he never replied.” Hunter restlessly bounces his knee up and down, the chain dangling from his beltloop jingling. “I’m not surprised. You know how he can get.”

“Or maybe he can’t reply.” The words just sort of leave my lips.

Hunter’s expression sinks. “Shit, I didn’t even think about that.” He looks at Jax. “Should one of us go check on him?”