Page 53 of The Secret of Raven

“Hey, we’re mafia offspring who don’t like to admit we’re mafia offspring,” Hunter reminds me as he removes a leather case from the dresser's top drawer.

“True, but you guys aren’t assholes. You didn’t”—I swallow hard—“drug me and shove me off a bridge.” The words just sort of fall off my tongue. It’s weird because I thought I’d been okay about it, yet I sound angry and hurt, amongst other emotions.

Hunter stiffens, his gaze snapping to me while Jax’s hand stiffens in mine.

Then Jax moves in front of me and lowers his head to level his gaze with me.

“You know nothing like that will ever happen again, right?” He carries my gaze.

I nod, but a tiny part of me worries that it’s a lie. “I know. I’m just being stupid because I’m a little uneasy about the idea of being in a room with a bunch of mobsters that, according to you guys, are going to hit on me.” I shift my weight and sigh. “I just want to blend in for the night and not have to worry about stuff like that. And the note. And this game.”

He gives a nod. “I know. And right now, we’re going to help you be able to relax, and hopefully that feeling will stay for the rest of the night.”

I glance warily between them, wondering what they’re planning on doing. “How are you going to do that?”

Hunter parts his lips, but Jax speaks first.

“I also have a solution that might help keep people from hitting on you,” he says with a hint of nervousness in his eyes.

“Okay.” I briefly study him, wondering what’s got him so anxious. “What?”

He wets his lips with his tongue, then reaches out and takes my hand. “You can be Hunter’s date.”

At first, I think he said his date, but when I rewind, I realize he said Hunter. And that confuses the crap out of me.

He wants me to be Hunter’s date … after Jax and I kissed?

What the shit?

I look at Hunter, wondering what he thinks of this. He’s looking at Jax, and Jax is looking at him. Here they go again with their secret looks.

Le sigh. I wish I could take some sort of class that could help me figure out what on earth they’re saying with their eyes.

Hunter finally looks at me, scratching the back of his neck. “You don’t have to, if you don’t want to, but I’d love to be your date tonight.”

“Really?” My surprise is evident in my tone.

But, for reals, wasn’t I just making out with Jax early, which seemed to upset Hunter?

“Yes, really.” He appears genuine, but I don’t know … This situation is a bit weird. Then again, everything that’s happened between us already is a bit weird.

I look at Jax, who offers me an encouraging smile.

I seriously don’t get it, but I don’t want to be a weirdo, either. Like,oh, I can’t be your date because Jax and I made out. It’s not like we’re dating or anything like that. And I guess people just make out sometimes. It kind of hurts, though, that that’s all it was to him—just kissing for fun.

“Yeah, okay.” I smile, but it’s a bit forced.

Hunter notices, too. “Are you sure? Like I said, you don’t have to if you don’t want to.”

The hurt in his eyes makes me shove all my weirdness down about this.

“I’m sure,” I assure him, sounding more confident this time. “As long as you are.”

A smile touches his lips. “Of course I’m sure.” He reaches out and plays with a strand of my hair. “It’s a date then.”

“Well, a job date,” I joke then pull a face. “That kind of makes me sound like a prostitute, doesn’t it?”

Hunter shakes his head. “Nah. It just sounds like we’re two people working together and going on a date.”