Page 42 of The Secret of Raven

“Do you think it’s too short?” Raven’s voice suddenly drifts down the stairs and is followed by footsteps.

I close the computer, not wanting Low to see.

Jax doesn’t ask questions because he knows where my head’s at. It’s something we’re all cautious of—telling Low enough about the families’ world that she’s safe, but not so much that she’s terrified.

“Nah, it’s perfect. You don’t have to wear it if you don’t want to, but I think you should,” Low says.

They appear on the stairway then, heading down to the bottom.

Raven trails her hand down the railing as they walk, her hair a wild mess of waves and those knee-highs she’s wearing … fuck. I loved seeing her in just my shirt, but those knee-highs are almost as sexy.

Jax has his gaze glued to her. For a moment, he just sits there, as if he’s in some sort of trance. But then he gets up and hurries over toward the stairway. He’ll probably hug her or something, and then Low’s going to have even more questions about whatever is going on between all of us, which so far is nothing, but …

“If I can get the lady balls to, I might,” Raven replies as they reach the bottom of the stairs.

Jax is already there, waiting for her, and when she sees him, a shy smile touches her face. It’s cute that she smiles differently at him. With me, she’s always teasingly grinning and playfully rolling her eyes, like she matches my personality, and yet she matches his, too. It’s kind of weird …

But sort of nice.

I rise to my feet.

“Hey, you’re back,” she says to Jax, who’s smiling at her in the same way.

“Yeah, I got back a few minutes ago.” He’s opening and flexing his hands, I think to stop himself from latching on to her.

They stare at each other for a beat.

The silence draws Low’s attention, her gaze skating between the two of them, curiosity sparkling in her eyes.

“And he has your phone,” I announce as I approach them, trying to distract my sister.

“Oh yeah, I do.” Jax pauses then reaches out and takes Raven’s hand.

Okay, Low’s definitely going to ask questions now.

But before she can, Jax steers Raven into the living room where he left the bag with the phone. He picks it up and only lets go of her hand so he can take out the phone.

He’s gotten a case for it, black with a red rose engraved on the back, something we didn’t buy online when we ordered the phone, which means he took the time to purchase it at the store.

Didn’t drive recklessly, my ass.

Raven takes the phone from him, and her eyes widen. “What’s this?”

Jax’s forehead creases. “It’s the phone we got for you.”

“Well, I know that.” Raven turns the phone over, looking at it with a frown on her face. “I can’t take this. It’s way too expensive.”

“You’ll need that good of one,” I chime in, knowing she was going to protest. She always does when it comes to anything given to her. “For the programs we’re going to install on it.”

She continues to frown. “Okay, that makes sense, but I don’t need the case.” She starts to take it off. “You can take that back, right, and get your money back?”

Jax places a hand on hers, stopping her with fumbling to take off the case. “The case wasn’t that much,” he says. “And it reminded me of you—it’s why I got it.”

She peers up at him with this little pouty look that I doubt she’s aware that she’s even doing.

I also doubt she realizes what that look is doing to Jax. I do, though, I can see the shift in his eyes.

I want her to look at me that way …