Page 26 of The Secret of Raven

Well, at least he asked that time.

I start to turn away, figuring I’ve done my duty with at least trying to help, but mid-turn, I realize what’s on the other side of the door.

A stairway that leads to a basement.

Jax and Hunter said he was terrified of the basement and never goes down into it. So, why is he standing here, staring at the stairway like it’s the entrance to hell and he’s about to enter it?

“That’s the basement,” I state the obvious.

“No, it’s the attic,” he replies curtly, his body tense, his jawline taut.

I don’t know whether to laugh at him or be annoyed. “Was that your attempt at sarcasm?”

His chest rises and crashes as he inhales and exhales sharply. “Look, can you just give me a minute? I’m trying to … do something.”

“You’re trying to go into the basement, but clearly don’t want to.”

I’m unsure if being blunt is the right way to handle this, and if it were anyone else, perhaps I’d be gentler about it. But Zay is rough and blunt and an asshole, so I figure I can skip the trying-to-be-nice thing.

He skates his gaze to mine. “Hunter and Jax told you I didn’t like the basement, didn’t they?” His lip twitches in annoyance.

Maybe I should’ve kept that to myself. “Nah, I just got a vibe. Plus, you’ve been standing here for like ten minutes, staring at the stairway like it’s the devil.”

“I know you’re lying. I know one of them said something.” He looks back at the stairway and mumbles, “They have such big fucking mouths sometimes.”

I bite down on my lip. Shit, I may have just unintentionally caused more drama between the guys.

I need to fix this.


“Okay, maybe they did,” I admit. “But it’s just because they’re worried about you.”

He just rolls his eyes. “Whatever. Leave me be. I need to go check to make sure everything’s okay down there.”

“You mean, you need to make sure no one’s hiding in there? Like maybe the person who put the note into my pocket?” My stomach tightens at the thought.

Suddenly, I’m no longer hungry, thinking about the idea that the doctor could be in the basement. It seems implausible in a way, I guess. Yet, at the same time, who else would leave me that note?

But, why would he suddenly come after me?

“I doubt anyone is down there,” he says. “But I need to go check.” He still doesn’t budge, though.

“Maybe you could have Jax or Hunter go?” I suggest. Then, just because I’m me and don’t want to seem weak, I add, “Or I could.”

He cuts his gaze to me. “You seriously want to go down there and see if some doctor you clearly hate is hiding somewhere?”

“I don’t want to,” I stress. “But I will.”

I think, anyway.

I’m not scared.

I’m not.

But I am.

In fact, I’m terrified.