Page 68 of Becoming His

“Cass, go get some snips. There’s metal running through the plastic,” Masen says as he holds my hand with tender care. His lips feather over my pulse, his eyes never leave mine. “She never went through her heat cycle, but she can’t be more than a week along. I noticed the change in her scent Thursday night. The last time she shifted was Monday,” he says solemnly.

“How is she pregnant without having had a cycle? Are you sure?”

Masen’s eyes leave mine and the doctor rushes to explain. “I’m sorry, Alpha. Yes, yes, you’d know,” he agrees quickly, and I hear him blow out a loud whoosh of air when Masen’s eyes leave him for mine again.

“We didn’t know she was carrying, but she’s a white wolf,” Caleb states, and I finally remember Mickey is somewhere in the house. “Caleb, Mickey. I’m sorry I didn’t protect her. Roxanne, she said she was okay, just sleeping. Is she okay?” I question, growing frantic.

“She’s okay, sweets. She’s right here. She’s been drugged, but she’ll be okay. She’ll be madder than a wet cat when she wakes up but don’t you worry about that now.” The pain in my body is lifting gradually, leaving the ache in my knee as the worst of my hurt. I’m still distressed about the baby, but the cramping has lessened. The doctor doesn’t acknowledge Caleb’s confession about me being a white wolf.

“Unless we find internal injuries, I don’t think we should risk her shifting then unless the fetus is compromised.”

“What did you just say?” Masen’s eyes are fully black as he stares at the doctor. “Oh fuck, aren’t you a doctor? Are you that fucking stupid, or do you want to die?” Caleb inches in front of the man and lowers so he’s in front of Masen.

“Son, look at your little Mate. She’s already getting better. I’ve never seen anything like it.” He’s right. The swelling in my face is already going down, I can move my arms with no pain. I’m still really sore and my knee is killing me, but my body is healing very quickly.

“Can you help me turn to my side?” I use my arms to push myself over, but I’m not willing to move my lower half. The memory of the pain when I tried to walk is still too fresh. Masen’s hands guide me over, my hips turn, leaving my bad leg almost completely still.

“I think we should brace her leg before she moves anymore,” the doctor says quietly.

“Then get what we fucking need. I don’t want her on the floor,” Masen yells at the nervous man.

“It’s not his fault, Masen. I’m okay. I feel so much better with you here. Calm down, okay?” I know him being here is helping me heal. I’ve never healed this fast before. “Did she get away?” I ask, hesitant to hear the answer.

“No, she didn’t,” Masen replies darkly, looking over to the corner of the room where her body lies at an odd angle. I shudder remembering the crazed look in her eyes.

My heart gives a painful throb when I think about all the torment she caused us. Silent tears fall down my cheeks as I mourn my parents’ death all over again. “What can I do?” Masen asks ruefully.

“Where’s the doctor? Is our baby, okay? I’m so tired.” My voice sounds pitiful even to my own ears.

“He’s coming. I’m sure the baby’s fine.”

A tall woman enters the room with the doctor. She carries a leg board. “We’ll get this on then take her over to my office for an ultrasound. Alpha, you’ll need to be with her, depending on the baby’s position, the ultrasound may need to be internal,” he says, not making eye contact.

“What the fuck does that mean?” Masen barks.

I understand what he means, so I squeeze Masen’s hand. “It’ll be fine. Help me get ready to go,” I tell him firmly.

He jumps up and takes the board from the woman then pushes it into the doctor’s hands. “Fix it,” he orders.

* * *

Laying on the firm bed,paper crinkles beneath me as I wait for the doctor to enter. Masen cut the pants and panties I was wearing off. The doctor tells him to check for blood. Thankfully, there is none.

I wear one of Masen’s long t-shirts and a paper blanket over my lap. My leg is still bound to the board. I’ll need an X-ray later to determine the damage.

The door opens, and a very pale doctor walks in alone. “Alpha, I’ll need to touch her lower belly with this wand to get a picture of the baby.” He clears his throat. “If I can’t find the baby, I can insert this wand into her vagina to get a closer look.” He holds up another thin stick.

“Not happening,” he growls.

“Do whatever you need, please,” I say and grab Masen’s hand. The doctor doesn’t look sure, but he picks up a bottle of gel and covers the wand. We hear a loud rustling noise followed by silence.

“Can you raise the shirt and lower the blanket?” I do using my free hand, keeping my pubic hair covered. Masen leans over me further, getting closer to the doctor.

More gel is squirted onto my belly, and he places the wand firmly just above the blanket. Moments later, he exhales a loud breath. “There it is.” He sighs in relief. “Let me see if I can find the heartbeat… ah there, we go, a strong one hundred and thirty-six beats.” I’m in awe of the little white dot blinking rapidly.

“Masen, do you see that?” I whisper.

“Yeah, baby, I see him.” His voice is full of emotion.