Page 45 of Becoming His

He shakes his head. “No, Little One, I don’t want to be cruel to her, but she needs to stop. I just don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”

I wish Nicole was still here, I think ruefully. “Alright, let’s go on back.” I’m not looking forward to this. Masen tucks me close and kisses me briefly before he walks us back to our seats. Knowing she’s here, my eyes can’t help but search for her.

I don’t need to look long. Her large group has taken the tables closest to ours. Neither group acknowledges the other until we move past them to sit, that is. Roxanne’s head snaps up, and she looks at me from head to toe before leaning to the woman on her right and giggling. I know she’s talking about me. Masen’s body is between their table and me as we pass. None dare say anything now that we’re so near.

Now that Nicole and Michael are gone, the table is much more subdued. I plaster a smile on my face and ask jokingly, “So was she able to walk, or did he have to carry her?”

Sniffer’s the quickest to understand. “Ah, it was a bit of both actually. She wanted to wait for you, but she was falling asleep in his lap.” He laughs quietly.

A voice from behind me says, “I didn’t know he’d tell her about carrying me home.” Next, in a mock whisper, she adds, “Do you think he told her everything he’d do to me once we got home, too?” She fakes outrage. “Maybe he’s had to teach her a few things. He always loved it when I would...”

Masen’s fist slams the table so hard it cracks, wood splintering all over as chunks rain to the floor. Other than the music playing in the background, the bar is silent. Every man at the table looks pissed, but Masen looks murderous. His eyes are black. I can see the tips of his canines. Her table is behind us, so I can’t see her reaction. I won’t turn to look, I’m not giving her the satisfaction. I will whoop her ass for all this snide bullshit.

I place my hand on Masen’s face and turn it to me. “I’m done with this. It needs to be taken care of. You just watch, no involvement.” To Sniffer, I say, “In here or outside?”

They all look confused before he responds, “How much damage we talking?”

I love that he doesn’t doubt me. “Not as wolves, just an old-fashioned ass whoopin’.”

His smile is electric. “IN!” He chuckles. Masen is conflicted. I can feel his worry, but I know if the roles were reversed, we’d be dealing with a dead body.

I stand slowly, wishing I went with jeans instead of my favorite dress. Well, there’s nothing I can do, now. I’m sure with how quiet it is she heard most of what I said, but she hasn’t responded. When I do turn to see her, she actually looks a little smug.

Before I can speak, Masen does. “Roxanne, you’ve brought this on yourself. For you disrespecting my Luna, my Mate, you are challenged to fight as humans. If you shift, I will end it.” His deadly tone leaves no question as to how he will end it.

Her face falls. “Mase? You’re going to let her challenge me?” She sneers like I’m beneath her, but I can still hear the pain in her voice. This isn’t what she expected. She thought I turn tail and run, or that Masen would protect her. Boy, was she wrong.

Masen obviously doesn’t like her tone any more than I do. He shakes his head and says brutally, “If she kills you, your family may not seek revenge. When this is over, if it happens again, she will kill you, and your family will be expelled from my pack.”

Complete and utter astonishment covers her face before it hardens to fury. “And, if I kill her?”

I laugh darkly, and she looks at me for the first time since this started. Something she sees must scare her because she recoils. No one answers her question.

“I think I will take this outside,” I say, smiling, looking directly at her. She looks down and swallows. The women she is with have all shifted away from her ever so slightly.

“Masen,” I say.

“Yeah, baby,” comes quickly.

“A kiss. I need it. This bitch has pissed me off.”

He chuckles, and my belly drops before he leans down to oblige. “I love you, Little One. Don’t let her hurt you,” he whispers. I know by the way he says it he’s not talking physically. She’s going to use words in her arsenal. “None of it matters. Just you and me, yeah?”

“Come on, blondie. You’re due an ass kickin’!”


Iwalk outside and Masen follows. The entire bar empties out behind him. I’m not worried about her coming out. If she didn’t, the entire pack would know she’s a coward and she’ll be out.

I feel a little silly, since I’m about to throw down in a dress. I don’t think she’ll make it more than one minute without a wardrobe malfunction, her dress looks like it’s barely held up. I will not let all these people see me in my panties. I’ll just have to drop her quick. I have a lot of experience fighting to defend, but I’ve never been the aggressor. Good thing I’ll get more and more pissed off every time I look at her or she looks at Masen.

There is no way I’m risking my boots and dress, not to mention leather-soled cowboy boots won’t do me much good on the grass and soil out here. I hand my boots to Sam. “I love these boots, Sam. Take care of them.” He nods and salutes.

She finally emerges looking like she’s ready for a photo shoot. I swear she put on more makeup. Quickly, I throw my long hair in a thick braid and wait. It’s not long before she saunters over in her five-inch spiked heels, giving her a huge height advantage. Oh well, with one good body shot, she’ll be bent over anyway. She purposely brushes past Masen, letting her body linger as she passes and looking up at him. I yell an, “Uh uh,” before shit gets real. I grab her by the back of her head and snatch her back enough she almost falls. My intention isn’t to pull her hair, it’s to get her moving. I let her recover before sneering, “Come get some.” That’s all it takes. She flies at me with her arms outstretched. I think she is trying to claw my face up. She’s fast, I’ll give her that, but she has no fighting experience. Standing still, I lift my arm and bring it down hard on the top of hers. Her momentum carries her forward, almost falling into me when she teeters on her heels. She’s going to break her ankle.

Now she’s pissed. She screeches loud enough I think a dog two counties over bays. She runs at me again, and I strike out with my out turned palm hard slamming in the middle of her chest just below her breast. Her arms are longer, so I get a slap or punch. I’m not sure, it might even be her nails to my cheek.

She pulls back, gasping like a fish out of water. A solid hit to the solar plexus will take the wind out of a grown man let alone a hundred and twenty-pound amazon. I stand ready and wait. I can hear people talking, no one person stands out, jeers and cheers surround us.