Page 42 of Becoming His

“I did hear you, Little One,” he says kindly. “You’re right. After our union, you probably will. Don’t forget not to discuss this with anyone yet. You could probably talk to Nicole if you have some questions. Michael will know so she will know. Just not yet, yeah?”

I don’t know how well my next question will go over, but it’s only fair. “Will you teach me to block you?”

His head swings to me. “Absolutely not!” he snaps. “Why the hell would you want to block me?” he asks disbelievingly.

“Calm down, Big Guy, I was just asking, but I don’t want anybody else in your pack reading me. I don’t have any experience blocking. You are the only one who can help me.” Overreact much.

“No, I’m not overreacting.” He’s sullen.

“Masen, it’s fine as long as everyone else can’t feel or hear me. That would be mortifying.” I shudder thinking about it.

“Awe, baby, what ya thinking about?” he teases.

“Stop it, Masen. I would be so embarrassed if someone felt me thinking about us,” I spout.

He just laughs at me. “If you still want to go to the Hall tonight, we need to get ready, we can grab dinner there, too, if you want.”

It’s a little after six. I am getting hungry, again. “Yeah, I still want to go. Should I wear jeans, a dress, or something in the middle?” I’m gonna need to head home again to get my clothes. Maybe he’ll take me tomorrow. I don’t want to go there by myself, it’s too creepy.

“It’s pretty casual. You look beautiful in anything so wear whatever you want,” he says, distracted.

That is not at all helpful. “Masen, can I use your phone?” I huff. I can tell he’s confused.

“Ah sure, it’s under here somewhere. Here ya go.”

Scrolling through to the Ns, I find only one Nicole. “This is Michael’s Nicole, right?”

He looks up at the phone, then me. “Oh yeah, why are you calling her?”

Men, they have no clue. “I need to know what to wear, Masen.” I roll my eyes yet again.

Swiping her name, I select call. It rings twice before a man answers, question clear in his voice, “Mase?”

“Ah no, this is Sophia. I was hoping I could talk with Nicole. Is this Michael?”

“Yeah, sorry, Luna. She’s right here. Just one second.”

Her voice soft and kind. “Hey Sophie. How are you?”

“I’m good. Sorry to bother you.”

“Oh, it’s no bother. So what’s up?”

“Well, Masen is taking me to the hall to the bar part, and when I asked him what to wear...”

Her laugh interrupts me. “Let me guess, he said wear anything you’ll look beautiful.” She tries to imitate his deep voice, which makes me laugh.

“Yeah, that was almost perfect. So, any advice? I don’t have too much to choose from. I haven’t got all my stuff.”

“Well, during the week, it’s pretty casual. On the weekends, the girls usually go all out. So, I’d say either break the mold and go cute casual or really gussy it up. Don’t worry though. You’ll be stunning,” she says sincerely.

“Thank you, Nicole. Will you and Michael be coming?”

“Ya know. We weren’t, but now, I think we might.”

“Thanks again, Nicole. I’ll see ya there.”

“No problem. See you soon, Sophie.”