Page 41 of Becoming His

Okay, Little One, let’s shower and get some food.Masen watches me change back. It’s just as uneventful as before. I watch him in turn. He stretches, then in seconds, he’s my Masen again. We both smile at my thought.

All my injuries are healed, my body feels better than it has in ages. Masen is attentive in the shower. Worshiping my body gently as he washes me before trying to wash my long hair. “It felt so good when you washed mine. I wanted to do that for you,” he pouts.

“Masen, have you ever had long hair before?” I ask, knowing the answer.

“Not really,” he huffs.

“Well, it’s a little different, that’s all. You’ll have to watch and learn,” I say sassily.

He grabs me around the waist, squeezing. “You, sassy girl, need to wash mine. That will help teach me,” he states with a nod, proud of his backward logic. I roll my eyes. I’m going to develop a tic at this rate. I finish with my hair and give Masen his lesson, before washing him.

When we get out, he again takes his time drying me. “I don’t know how you want to dry your hair, baby.” He hands me a towel after he’s wrapped me up. He dries himself proficiently and leaves the room to dress. I finish my business then follow him out to dress myself.

Both too hungry to bother making anything, I plate up cold cuts, cheese, and some fresh strawberries. The phone rings when the first morsel of cheese melts in my mouth. We both look at the offending device like it’s a loaded weapon. I’m not close enough to see who’s calling. Blowing out a breath, Masen answers. With his mouth full, he mumbles, “Yeah.” I can’t hear the other side of the conversation, but I can tell by his demeanor it’s not her. He’s quiet for a few moments listening. “Let me know if anything changes,” he says briskly and hangs up. “They didn’t return to your old house last night. No one has reported any sightings. If we haven’t found anything by Monday morning, you’ll have two options,” he raises one finger, “no school” I scoff. He arches one eyebrow challenging me but smiles beautifully then raises the second finger. “Or a bodyguard.” This time he lifts both brows repeatedly.

“You are such a freak,” I laugh out.

Masen works in his office for a bit while I do my homework then start to play with my new camera. I take a few pictures of the inside of the house but decide I need a better muse. Sneaking to his office, I can hear him on the phone speaking sternly to someone. I lower to my hands and knees, wrapping the camera’s strap around my neck. I crawl through the door one-handed while I use the other hand to steady the camera. I move behind the sofa as quickly as I dare. I don’t think he knows I’m in the room. He’s facing the opposite wall, looking out the window.

I turn off the flash and change the shutter speed to hopefully keep the camera silent. “Just handle it! That’s what you’re paid to do!” he snaps as he turns and hangs up the phone. “Fucking idiot,” he curses. I snap the first picture. He didn’t seem to hear me, so I wait until I’m ready and continue snapping away. He’s so attractive. His harsh face rugged. You would never know hours ago he was playing with me and pouting in the shower. I love that I see the sweet, kind side of him. Seconds pass before he lifts his head and scents the air. Masen’s whole face changes and I snap shot after shot as his eyes light up and the corners of his mouth lifting. God, he’s gorgeous.

“You can’t hide, Little One. If I wasn’t so damn distracted, I would have known the moment your pretty, little ass came within twenty feet. Now come out and give me a kiss. These people piss me off,” He states gruffly. I poke my head up and pout back at him.

“I was working,” I say in mock chastisement.

“Kiss. Baby, I need it.” He looks at me from under his brows, trying to be firm, but his lips are soft with one corner turned up. I huff like it's a pain but comply. I throw myself onto his lap dramatically.

Masen kisses me sweetly like he’s afraid of anything more after this morning. I turn up the heat a bit but pull away before it gets too far. “I love you, Masen.”

His eyes bore into mine. “Love you, too, Little One.”

I sit with him while he works a bit more before asking, “What’s Black Industries?”

“One of my businesses,” he answers aloofly.

“What kind of business?”

“I have lots of little businesses. Black Industries is one of the larger ones, but it holds lots of little ones.” He smiles kindly.

“Why are you being so weird? This is the second time I’ve asked you about your business, and you just keep being evasive. Do you not want me to know?” I ask defensively.

“No, no,” he dismisses me. “It’s nothing like that. I just own lots of business, but the only one I really have a hand in anymore is Black Industries. I don’t mean to be weird about it,” he chuckles, “Most everyone around here knows what it is. A lot of shifters come here just because I own Black.” He shrugs his shoulders. “I’ve gotten in the habit of not talking about it.”

My back is cradled by his arm, my legs hang over the armrest, and his arm curves over my thighs. He looks down and smiles at me. He didn’t shave this morning, so his shadowed jaw is darker. He’s back to wearing jeans with a black V-neck t-shirt that looks tailored. It hasn’t been, it just fits that well, the shoulders and arms straining over his mass, stopping just below his belt. I know every time he raises his arm I’ll be awarded with a glimpse of his toned, tan belly. I also happen to know he’s commando beneath his button flys. His feet are bare under the desk, making one overall package so sexy it’s overwhelming.

“I’m very glad you like what you see, baby.” My cheeks blush. I need to remember he can read me and hear me.

“How come I can’t hear your thoughts anymore?”

He looks thoughtful. “I’m not sure if you need to learn to tune in or if it’s because I’m an Alpha. I can communicate with everyone in my pack one way or another. You can sense me. I think it’ll be trial and error and practice, but we’ll figure it out.” His face is pensive. Suddenly, I want to kiss him desperately so I do. When we break, he smiles before saying, “See!”

Huh? “See what?” I ask slowly. What am I missing?

“You felt me wanting you to kiss me.” He chuckles, my belly drops. “You just have to learn to listen. Your wolf will always hear me, I am the Alpha.”

“Okay, but I want to hear you. Say something to me now, not as a wolf.” I close my eyes and focus like it somehow might help. Masen tweaks my nose and says, “So adorable.” With my eyes still closed, I bat his hand away. It’s quiet. I feel his chest rising, I hear his heart beating but no words.

Masen, can you hear me?I think. Still, no response. I’m a little sad, but maybe when we are fully joined, I’ll be able to hear him.