Page 36 of Becoming His

While Masen yells, “DON’T,” angrily.

“Are you kidding me? That’s what you care about. That someone knows that?” I’m shocked. This is going downhill fast.

I hear Sniffer say, “I don’t think I’ve ever heard of anyone lasting a week after their first shift.” I can hear the wonder in his voice.

Masen jumps to his feet leaning over me he says, “Don’t even think about it.” It comes out in deadly sneer. “She is MINE!” he barks.

Astonished by the way he’s speaking to him and not wanting to set him off more, I slowly lift my hand to his chest right over his rapidly beating heart and rub. “Hey, Big Guy, it’s okay. He didn’t mean anything. Right, Sniffer?”

The reminder of the nickname makes Masen snarl. “Right, nothing Mase, I meant nothing, I think nothing,” Sniffer says quickly, his voice is a little high.

“I didn’t realize it was a big deal. That’s on me.” I announce pleadingly. “Sit down here, Masen. This couch is kinda lumpy. I need a comfier place to sit.” I tug his shirt, and he slowly sits, his breathing still choppy. I scoot on his lap as ladylike as possible without standing or taking my hands off him. “That’s much better,” I coo once I’m seated in his lap to comfort him or hold him down at least whichever works better. I place my hands on his cheeks directing his face to mine. He’s still pissed.

The silence behind me is grim. “Hey Masen, you want me to make you some cookies? How about some of those white chocolate ones you like so much? I could even put some raspberries in. How does that sound?” His hard body relaxes as I speak to him. His eyes slowly return to his beautiful white-blue color. “How about I make us a quick dinner? Then, you can help me make the cookies. We could even go for a run tonight. My wolf’s excited to meet her Mate.”

His chest rumbles in agreement. Finally, Masen’s breathing is back to normal. His face drops to my neck, his nose pushes aside the cropped cardigan I put on over my dress finding his mark. He nuzzles me. When he finally lifts his face and really looks at me, I know everything is fine. I smile sweetly at him and say, “You, your brother, and friends can finish your chat. I’ll go start dinner.” I kiss his lips and stand. When I turn around, all three of the other men are staring at the floor.

No one speaks until I’m out of the room. I hear Masen’s deep, commanding voice, but I don’t stay and listen to what he’s saying. In the kitchen, I brown up some Italian sausage and hamburger for a quick marinara. I’m not sure who will be eating so I boil two pounds of pasta and grill some garlic bread while I wait for everything to finish.

Walking back into the living room, I can tell the tension has eased. That is until the room falls silent when I enter. I inwardly roll my eyes. “Why don’t y’all come on in here and eat,” I prompt, then go back in the kitchen.

Masen is first to follow. He kisses my temple tenderly and reaches to grab a bowl. I swat his hand away. “Uh uh, I’ll fix it. Go sit down. Guys grab a bowl and help yourselves. I’ll put the bread on the table.” I can feel Masen’s joy that I’m serving his but making the others get their own. It’s amazing to immediately feel his gratitude for something so simple. It makes me feel appreciated.

Placing his full bowl in front of him with a plate of bread, I kiss him a little deeper than is probably polite in front of company. He doesn’t complain. I make my own bowl and join them at the table. There isn’t much conversation, everyone’s busy stuffing their face.

When every morsel is polished off, I get a chorus of thank yous. “Sophie, that was so good, thank you. I’m gonna have to send Red over here for lessons. I love her, I do, but that woman can’t cook to save her life,” he laughs kindly.

“I’ll just come over every night for dinner. I’d probably waste away otherwise,” Sniffers says in mock serious tone.

James just utters a quiet, sincere, “Thank you.” I think he was most affected by Masen’s earlier outburst.

Masen’s face is proud. “I’m gonna get fat! My baby can cook,” he says it like it’s the best thing that could ever happen.

I tut. “Like you could ever get fat!” I roll my eyes. “Y’all are welcome, come back anytime. I do love to cook. Sid, I’d love to meet your Red. I’ve just met Nicole, Michael’s Mate. I visited with her the other day. She is just beautiful. I can’t wait to meet more people from the pack.”

They all say goodnight and leave for their homes while Masen and I clean up the dishes. He works quietly beside me, always finding a reason to touch me. I don’t mind, it’s comforting. Being able to sense his feelings behind each gesture is astounding.

I make his cookies while he mostly watches. He eats a few right off the baking sheet. The rest I leave out to cool while the last batch bakes.

Getting ready for bed, I brush my teeth, wash my face, then lotion my body. I’m wearing just my panties when Masen comes in to brush his teeth. His gaze heats as he watches me through the mirror, but he seems content to just look. I finish up and climb into bed while he’s still in the bathroom. He comes in the room, turns out the lights, and gets in bed next to me. His big body behind mine, he pulls me tight to him. “I love you, Sophia,” he says in the darkness.

“I love you, too, Masen.”


Waking up, I feel the solid wall that is Masen behind me. He’s on his back, my head pillowed on his shoulder. His arm curls up and around me, his fingers barely touch my short triangle of pubic hair. I slowly move on to my back and stretch. My pointed toes reach just below his knees. Distantly, I hear a phone ringing. Is that what woke me? I know it’s not mine, anyone who has my number knows I’m here. A few moments later, it rings again. Thinking it must be important for them to have called right back, I slide out of bed trying desperately not to wake Masen.

I grab the white t-shirt he wore last night and rush from the room while struggling to get the shirt over my head. I follow the ringing to the kitchen. Masen must have set his phone down last night before we went to bed. The screen goes dark just as I reach to answer it. Only to start ringing again, immediately. The name displayed is Roxanne. What the hell! I pick up the phone and swipe the green icon. “Hello,” I say incredulously.

“Mase, oh Mase,” she howls. She doesn’t even realize I’ve picked up the phone.

“No, this isn’t Masen. He’s indisposed,” I say, smug to use her words against her.

“You!” She sneers. “Put him on the phone. I know what you’re trying to do. I know Mase practically attacked Cass last night because you’re still fucking him.”

First, who the hell told her about Masen getting mad, and second, why the hell does she think I’m having sex with Sniffer? “Um no! Are you crazy? Who told you that junk? Why are you even calling anyway?”

“Masen needs me. You’re trying to ruin him, turning him against his family, his pack,” she screeches.