Page 17 of Becoming His

His light eyes stare into mine. “It means, Little One, I’ve been waiting for you for five years. I don’t have, nor have I had, a girlfriend since the night we met.” He can read the doubt clear on my face. He adds, “I’m not saying I haven’t been with women” —shame is written all over his face— “but what I am saying is that it’s you, it has always been you, I was just waiting for you.”

Now I’m pissed. “Oh, is that supposed to make me feel good? You’ve been waiting for me, but while you waited, you’ve been with not one woman, but probably many?” I haven’t even addressed the fact that he still wants me. I’m not ready for that.

Masen stops eating and gives me his full attention. “Yes, I have had sex, just sex, with a few. I was a twenty-four-year-old shifter when we met. Had you been old enough to shift, I wouldn’t have been with anyone else. I broke off my relationship with Roxanne immediately.”

My mouth falls open in outrage. “Broke it off? You were just with her today.” My voice is getting louder.

He shakes his head. “No, I wasn’t. I have had sex with her, but not today.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. Did we interrupt you?” Now I’m yelling.

“If you’d let me finish, I didn’t do anything with her today. She showed up here today dressed like that because she knew Cass was bringing a new female” —he points to me— “to join the pack. She wanted to make sure whoever it was saw her here and assumed I was taken, and I’m sure she would have been doubly happy if I would have had sex with her.” He’s not yelling, but his voice is definitely louder than before.

I know I’m the one that brought her up but boy does it hurt when I hear about him having been with anyone, let alone the devil woman. His face softens. “Shit. I’m sorry, baby. You have every right to be mad. If I’d seen a man at your house half naked, I probably would have killed him... slowly. So I get it, I do. I’m not saying what I did was okay or make excuses, but I can’t change what happened. What I can promise you is that I will never look at another woman that way for the rest of my life!”

His oath makes me feel a little better, but I’m still hurt from the betrayal. “This is all a little overwhelming. I thought you chose her over me back then. I did know it was unusual to meet your Mate at such a young age. I never told my parents what happened. I was too embarrassed because I thought you rejected me,” I say ruefully. “I gave up hope for us a long time ago. Then, we pull up to this house, and I knew you were close. I also knew it would be harder to get past the loss this time. When I realized who it was standing on the porch, it just... it’s just hard, ya know?” Not really expecting an answer, I continue, “I kept thinking you were trying to tell me I needed to leave, that you still choose her.” I blow out a long breath. “I’m still trying to wrap my head around what you told me. Logically everything makes sense, that you didn’t know, that you did look for me, but I still have five years of doubt.”

He grabs my hand and says simply, “It’s all my fault. I should have been there. I’m sorry.”

“Not everything is your fault. I’m not blaming you. My parents died, but you didn’t kill them. A lot of the crap I’ve had to deal with sucks, but stop acting like you did it to me.”

His face is tense. “I should have protected you.” His fist hits his chest. “That’s my job to make sure you’re safe and happy.” He growls, angry at himself.

I roll my eyes. “I’m fine now. Simmer down.”

He gapes at me, the left side of his lips starts to curl up in a deadly smirk. “Do you know? No one talks to me like that, especially when I’m upset. Yet, you, Little One, are so sassy. I never knew how much I’d like it.” He reaches over and snags me onto his lap then picks up his sandwich to finish eating, like it’s perfectly normal.

I stay for a few minutes then get up to rinse my plate. I don’t see a dishwasher, but I couldn’t tell where the fridge was either, it just looks like cabinets. “Is there a dishwasher?” Still chewing, he motions to my left. Sure enough, it blends right in. I clean the mess from dinner, and when he’s done eating, he helps with the dishes.

“Thank you for dinner, it was delicious. Will you stay over? No pressure, for anything. I’d just like to be near you.”

I like being with him here too. Is it too soon to stay the night? I know he’s not asking for a romp, but it’s still strange. “I have class in the morning. I didn’t bring anything to sleep in or clothes for tomorrow.” Which actually sucks. I think I kinda wanted to stay.

“I have something you could sleep in. I can take you home in the morning, or we could wash what you have on.”

He’s looking at my rolled up skinny jeans and black tank covered by a white cropped cardigan with a tiny black skull and crossbones like he’s seeing it for the first time. He stares the longest at my wooden, clog bottomed, light purple Mary-Janes. I’d stare at them too, they’re fabulous and comfy. He widens his legs. “We can just go to your place in the morning so you can change.”

Is there something wrong with how I look? I’m not skinny like the devil woman, but I always try to dress for my body. I love my curves. “Is there a problem with what I have on?” I demand.

His eyes slowly rise to mine, and he rasps, “I like what you’re wearing very much. I don’t want anyone else to like it quite as much, Little One.”

Before making our way to his media room to relax, Masen gives me a t-shirt that hangs to my knees. We decide on watching reruns ofBlindSpotwhen he finds out it’s one of my favorite shows and he’s never seen it. We’re sitting on a loveseat. He’s brought what’s left of the cookies and some drinks. I make it through the first episode, but I fall asleep soon after. I wake up to Masen carrying me into a darkened room. He places me on a soft bed, covers me, and kisses my forehead. “Good night, Little One.” I’m falling back asleep before he leaves the room.

When I start to wake up, I’m on fire. I can’t move, and I’m on fire. Holy hot batman, I try to push away from the heat, and my hands smack into a warm, rock-hard chest. “It’s too early, go back to sleep, baby.” His voice is slow and sleepy.

I almost scream, but he mashes my face into his neck with a palm to the back of my head, effectively silencing me. My heart is racing when I feel his other hand stroke my back lazily. “Shh, Little One, it’s okay.”

My brain comes back online. I realize it’s Masen. He never did leave the room, I just fell asleep before he got into bed. I contemplate how he managed to cocoon me without me waking. I became a light sleeper out of necessity, but I still haven’t broken the habit. I must have been really tired. Keep lying to yourself, Sophie. I’m sure it has nothing to do with the living blanket you’re snuggled up to. Too much, too early.

“Masen,” I whisper. “Masen.” I try to wiggle. “I’m so hot, and I need to pee.”

He flips over so I’m under him, his arms cage my head, his lower body just brushing mine. “Mornin’, baby.” His hooded eyes take in my face then move lower when he sees the shirt he gave me rode up my hip so my panties are barely visible. “I need to get up, need to get up.” Somehow, I know he’s talking to himself, not me.

When he stands, I see the black sweatpants he’s wearing do nothing to hide the impressive erection he has. My cheeks heat with a blush, and I look away but not before he sees me looking. “No need to look away, baby. You’re the reason it’s there,” he chuckles.

I pull the cover over my head. “Masen, are you serious? You big freak!” I say, embarrassed.

I feel the bed bounce as he jumps on my legs. “Oh, I’m a freak. Huh?” he questions while he prowls up my body. Once his knees hit my waist, he lowers himself to sit on my thighs. The blanket covering me slowly inches down revealing a playful Masen right in my face.