Page 50 of Becoming His

He grunts in acknowledgment. “Need you close.” He finally puts me down when we enter the kitchen. I make us each a plate while he gets us drinks.


While we eat, Masen tells me they still have some testing to do, but he doesn’t think the rogues left any clues that will help us find them. He also says as of now, I probably shouldn’t go to school. In all honesty, it isn’t even that big of a deal for me anyway. Considering how much has happened in the past week taking a semester off of school is probably for the best.

We’ve just finished lunch when I ask, “Masen, could I use your computer? I need to do some shopping online, and since I don’t have my iPad anymore, I don’t want to use my phone.”

He looks at me skeptically. “You want to shop online?”

“Some things I need to get online, but I would like to go to a couple stores if you’re up for it, or I can ask Nicole if she’d like to go.”

“If you’d like to invite Nicole, that’s fine, but I need to be with you if you’re going out, Little One,” he says warmly.

I’m actually kind of excited, I hope she can come. “Okay, well, can we go now, and then maybe tonight, I could use your computer?”

He smiles kindly. “Whatever you want.”

Using Masen’s phone, I quickly call Nicole, but unfortunately, she and Michael are out for the day. I let Masen know that they’re busy and grab my purse to head out. He leads us over to a low sleek car in gunmetal gray. Before opening the driver’s side door for me, he asks, “You feel like driving?” I don’t know what kind of car it is, and I don’t bother looking. I know by the way it looks it’s fast, and as soon as I sit, I know it’s expensive. The black leather is soft and buttery. The interior resembles a cockpit. I’m not sure how Masen will fit, but surprisingly enough, he looks comfortable, not at all squished like I expected.

Masen starts the car with a push of a button, and a low purr fills the garage. Using the controls, I move my seat closer to reach the pedals. I look over the instrument panel before shifting into reverse, the garage doors are already open as I slowly back out.

I’m smiling so big my cheeks hurt. I’m flying down the two-lane highway that will take us back to the mall in Marshall. I’m pleasantly surprised when Masen never tells me to slow down and seems confident in my abilities to handle his car. When I enter the town, I slow considerably. I’m lucky I didn’t get a ticket, but damn that was fun.

Entering the mall parking lot, I get a tiny bit nervous, I’m glad Masen is with me. I park on the opposite side of my previous trip, hoping to avoid the encounter entirely. Masen doesn’t remark one way or the other but exits the car so quickly that he’s opening my door for me before I retrieve my purse and his keys. He extends his hand and helps me from the car. Not letting my hand go, he tucks it into his elbow the way I’ve become very familiar with. I can tell he slows his stride so my short legs have a chance to keep up.

“Where to?”

When I look up to answer, I see him scanning the surrounding area. “Are you sure it’s okay we’re here?”

He looks down to me with a small smile. “It’s fine, baby. I don’t know if I’ll ever let you out of my sight again, but I can take you anywhere you need to go. I’ll always have a good excuse to be stuck to your side.” He places his free hand over mine and squeezes.

“You don’t ever need an excuse. I love being near you.”

Masen stops walking and embraces me fiercely. “I don’t know how I got so fucking lucky, but I’m so glad you found me. I’ll spend the rest of our lives making up for all my stupid shit behavior.” He kisses my neck where his mark lays, before dropping a sweet kiss to my lips. I marvel at the fact that this gorgeous protective man is all mine and hope that we can finally begin putting a life together.

We enter the mall and a few people stare. Masen commands attention wherever he goes, but seeing him walking through a mall seems so surreal. It’s like watching a tiger prowl through the city. He doesn’t belong there, but it’s no less beautiful to see.

I quite enjoy Masen’s attentive behavior. He steals kisses often and only let’s go of me when I try something on. Even then, he stands within touching range the entire time. Never once does he complain that I’ve dragged him through half the stores. I also love watching his reaction to what I try on. Indulgent smiles and heated stares tell me exactly what he’s thinking. I pick up a few stray thoughts here and there. He’s perfectly content, not faking that he’s happy to be here with me.

The last store I visit is a lingerie shop. I know being a size fourteen I won’t have much luck finding panties let alone bras in my size, but I was hoping to get a few until my online purchases arrive. The store attendants watch Masen as he enters with me. They don’t notice or care about the hand he has on my lower back grazing my bottom. I’m assessed and dismissed as a threat almost immediately.

A model thin brunette with blonde highlights sashays over. The movement is practiced, and I’m sure very effective. I wonder how many men have come here looking to buy something for someone special and have left with this shark instead. A small snarl leaves my lips before she reaches us.

She walks directly to Masen and looks up at him through her long fake lashes and purrs. “Mr. Black, how can I help you?”

Instantly, my back stiffens. She knows him? Having felt my reaction, Masen pulls me in closer and replies, “Whatever she needs.”

The woman, whose name tag reads Bambi, looks over to me like she’s seeing me for the first time. She tsks then leans down to me. “I’m not sure we’ll have anything in your... size,” she mock whispers while giving me a fake sad smile. “There’s a plus-size clothing store a few shops down. Mandy would be happy to show you where while I help Mr. Black with any of his other needs.” She motions for a woman who looks eerily similar to Bambi, but her hair is a bit lighter to come over.

Masen’s hand fists the fabric of my shirt at my back. “Are you fucking kidding me!” He explodes. “There is nothing in this piece of shit store good enough for her anyway.” He leans down closer to her shocked face. “DO NOT act like you know me. I have never had the displeasure of meeting you before, for which I’m grateful.” He sneers, his eyes are black with outrage as he stares her down. His shouting has drawn attention from everyone in the store and a few that pass by outside.

“Hey, Big Guy,” I say affectionately as I bring my palm up to his face, turning him to look at me. His eyes soften immediately as he searches my face. “I knew it was a long shot. I don’t care.” I’m much more relaxed knowing she doesn’t know Masen, just of him. He reaches down with both hands and grabs my butt and lifts me up. I wrap my legs around him as he kisses my head tenderly.

“I don’t like this fucking store! Let’s go, baby.”

I return his embrace briefly before trying to get down. “Masen, put me down. We cannot walk through the mall like this,” I say, exasperated when he won’t let go.

Finally, he sets me down and looks back at a silenced Bambi. “You’re fired.” He looks to the other woman who has kept her distance and been quiet the entire time we’ve been here. What the hell. He owns this store?