"I beg your pardon?" Maintaining a straight line of thought was quite challenging for her. Steven removed a handkerchief from his coat pocket and gently dabbed at a spot under her left eye before putting the cloth in her hand. She did not realize that a tear had escaped until then. It annoyed her because she had tried not to cry.

"You look tired," he observed, and the genuine concern in his demeanor intensified her emotions. What made her feel worse was not knowing why she was feeling the way she did. Why she had been so moved by the man she had seen with Roxanne.

"I am fine, thank you, Steven," she quickly reassured him, making to move past him.

"Are you certain?"Are you always this inquisitive?She wanted to say but gave him a slight nod instead.

He seemed as though he wanted to argue at her answer but he smiled and asked, "Have you seen Kitty?"

Her brows rose. She was not aware he called Kitty by her Christian name. "She was feeling faint and I took her up to our rooms."

"Is it serious?" he asked quickly, worry shadowing his eyes.

“No, I do not think so. Perhaps she is only tired.”

"Very well. I shall see her when she has rested. I think you should get some rest, as well." A slight smile touched his features before he bowed and left.

When she turned toward the conservatory again, there was no one there. It was almost as if the last few minutes had completely been in her mind. Was she truly losing her sanity?

Chapter Twenty-Five

Three days after Tommen’s wedding, Edwina walked into the breakfast room to hushed whispers and accusatory glances from the two ladies finishing up their breakfast.

Ignoring them, she went to the sideboard to serve herself. Their whispers followed her as if they intended it. "She did it, of course. Who else would?" one of the women said.

She busied herself, determined to ignore them. Yet, the sense that they were talking about her would not leave her. When she turned, the women gave her one last displeased glance before rising from their seats and walking out of the breakfast room.

"Good riddance," Edwina whispered to herself as she filled her mug with some coffee, reveling in her solitude.

"Are you happy?" a voice snapped, taking with it her newfound peace.On looking up, she found a livid Roxanne marching toward her. Edwina remained calm, or at least, she maintained outward calmness. Something strange was happening, and she had a feeling that everyone except her knew what it was.

"I beg your pardon?" Edwina quirked a questioning brow when Roxanne came to stand in front of her.

"Shamelessly feigning ignorance now, are we?" Roxanne, whom she had barely spoken to since extending her felicitations after the ceremony, asked.

"Could you elaborate, Roxanne?" Edwina asked in a flat tone, carrying her food to the table. "As you can see, I have not been blessed with mind-reading powers." She began to butter her toast, wearing an unconcerned demeanor even though she was gravely concerned about what was happening.

"I never truly liked you, Edwina, but I did not think you would leave threats on people's bedroom walls." Roxanne placed her hands on her hips.

"Threats?" Edwina echoed, confused.

"You thought those words would remain anonymous for long?" Jealousy does not know subtlety, and only a jealous person would have left such a message on our wall.”

"What in the world are you going on about, Roxanne?" Edwina asked, setting her toast down, momentarily abandoning her food.

"I do not know what lies Kitty or the Duke must have told you about me, but know that I will not allow you to threaten my happiness." Did she really think that Albert had mentioned her? Edwina wondered. Such conceit was beyond her.

"Why do you think the Duke would speak to me about you?" Edwina feigned ignorance now. Someone had to prick that bubble of pride she had enclosed herself in. "What cause has he to tell me lies about you? He is not so idle as to spread rumors about random guests, you see."

Roxanne looked as though she had been slapped, much to Edwina's satisfaction. But just as quickly,that quintessential snide mask of hers returned to her face and she said, "I see he is keeping secrets from you. I thought your bond was stronger than that."

It was Edwina's turn now to feel slapped. She had not anticipated her turning the words against her. The verity of the statement only made the impact more painful. "Albert needs to cut the string that attaches us," Roxanne said. "I have carried on with my life. He must do the same."

Edwina pushed aside the truth in that statement as she said, "On the contrary, Roxanne, people, gentlemen especially, are not in the habit of sharing their mistakes with others. Thus, it did not come as a surprise that he never mentioned you. And will you stop being cryptic and tell me why you are here accusing me of nonsense?” Her voice rose a notch.

Roxanne’s face reddened with anger and she jabbed a finger in Edwina’s direction. “You—”

“What are you doing?” Tommen walked into the room, not looking pleased.