A nervous knot formed in Edwina's stomach as all eyes turned expectantly toward her. She could not find her way around a pianoforte to save her life and Roxanne must have had that knowledge and been counting on something like that—with her lack of accomplishments being no secret to all.

When Edwina's nervous gaze met Nora's, the ghost of a smile graced the woman's features and she said, "My fingers feel rather stiff these days. Mind if I steal the honor from you and stretch them on the pianoforte for a while, Lady Edwina?"

"If you insist, My Lady." Edwina released the breath she did not realize she had been holding.

"I shall sing then!" Kitty declared excitedly, setting her embroidery aside and walking to the pianoforte.

Where Edwina lacked in most accomplishments, Kitty had ample and she enjoyed most of them. "Excellent!" Camilla clapped her hands in delight.

As Nora began a tune, Kitty fell into perfect harmony with her, singing one of Camilla's old bedtime songs to her which Edwina knew to be her favorite. The proud mother picked up the ballad with her daughter then, singing along.

After a while, Edwina also found herself humming the tune with them before finally joining in the singing. She might be bad at everything else, but she possessed a decent singing voice. A voice which she rarely put to any use.

And one after the other, the ladies picked up the tune, filling the air with song and bringing back the merry and communal atmosphere in the room. Roxanne was anything but pleased at the backfiring of her plan to disgrace Edwina.

* * *

After dinner, Edwina sought Nora out to thank her for saving her from mortification earlier. The gentlemen had just finished their port and rejoined the ladies in the drawing rooms. One drawing room could not contain all of the guests.

"I find some people’s manners appalling," Nora said, looking in the direction of Roxanne on Tommen's arm by the fireplace. "I cannot tolerate such conceit. My intervention was partly for the sake of my own sanity but you are welcome, Edwina." She smiled at her.

Edwina thought about the reason Roxanne had done what she had. It must be because she was engaged to Albert and they had a past together. She grew curious about it. Roxanne was a genteel woman and there had been no scandal about her and Albert. She wanted to know what had truly happened between them.

“Forgive my intrusion, Edwina, but I happened to overhear your conversation with your stepmother in the hall earlier. I am sorry.”

At this point, Edwina did not care if the world knew of the animosity between her and Prudence. “Such things are more common in my life than you think.”

“It must have been difficult for you.” Nora touched her shoulder.

Tommen cleared his throat, distracting them. “May I have everyone’s attention, please?” He took Roxanne's hand in his as he sought the attention of the gathered guests. "We have an announcement to make."

Edwina glanced at Prudence for a clue. Her countenance was inscrutable as she looked up from her conversation with a society matron.

"I am delighted to announce my engagement to Miss Perkins here," he squeezed Roxanne’s hand fondly, the wide smile on his face almost reaching his large ears. Roxanne’s smile was demure but she appeared happy.

"Good heavens!" Edwina heard herself whisper. She had no idea how advanced their courtship had been. Roxanne was going to be her sister-in-law. Well, it was a good thing she was not marrying Albert.

And that morning tryst… could it have been with Tommen?

"My, do we not have ourselves a displeased mother-in-law already," Nora commented. Edwina followed her amused gaze to her stepmother who looked just as surprised by the sudden news and very much displeased.

"You know, I never saw a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law that are as different as they are alike. I think they deserve each other, those two," Nora added with a small laugh.

Edwina could not help but laugh at Nora’s keen and very apt observation, remembering her own thoughts that afternoon when the two women had arrived at the embroidery session at the same time. Nora said what was on her mind and because she knew Edwina did not like her stepmother, she said it in her presence.

Someone cleared their throat behind them. When they turned, Albert was standing there. They had not noticed his entrance. He'd had to excuse himself earlier after receiving a letter during dessert.

"I think you have had enough of my fiancée to yourself, Lady Stenton," he said. "I would like to take her back now."

"You make it sound like she is a toy, Your Grace," Nora said pleasantly but something in her expression seemed forced.Jealousy?Edwina wondered.

Albert looked down at Edwina, taking her hand and placing it on his arm. “Come, Darling.”

"I am not some possession to be passed around," Edwina whispered when he drew her away from Nora.

She had not seen him throughout the day until dinnertime and they had not said much to each other. The events of the night before hung heavily between them. She wished to confront him about his reason for announcing their engagement on the night of the masquerade, but that would have to be at another time.

He led her through the French doors in the room to the terrace. "What sort of game are you playing, Edwina?" he asked in a clipped tone once they were alone.