"At least, I am not vile enough to do what you did!” Albert was surprised at how changed the boy was. Edwina had not been exaggerating, after all.

"Why are you telling me this now after everything you said at the pub?" Albert asked John, facing him again.

"Some of what I said is not true. The Dowager went too far," he replied. "Taking a life was not in our bargain. EspeciallyEdwina's. I would never harm her thusly."

"Oh, but you did!” This came from Tommen.

"Countless times, too," Albert agreed.

"I am admitting my mistakes because I deeply regret my actions. I wish to help."

"I think at this point, a confession from Mother is the only thing good enough to stand,” Tommen suggested. "That might be difficult, however.”

"Mills is willing to assist us. I think I know how we can obtain a confession,” Albert said.

Miss Mathews chose that moment to burst into the study. "It is Edwina. She is awake!"

Chapter Forty

If death had a taste, Edwina could say she knew what it tasted like now.Every joint and muscle in her body was still reeling from intoxication as she tried to sit up in her bed.

"Easy now," Elaine put a hand out to help her, while Camilla arranged pillows behind her.

Kitty rushed back into the room with Albert and Tommen at her heels. Albert sank down onto the bed, taking her hand in his. His hands trembled, and his eyes were filled with emotion. Everything he was feeling was there, unconcealed. "F… forgive me, Edwina," he choked out at length, his voice thick.

Edwina saw Elaine quietly marshal everyone out of the room, leaving them alone. "I am ashamed to look upon you, for I have no right to,"Albert continued.

"Albert," Edwina whispered, "it is—"

"No. Do not say it is all right," he shook his head, "because it is not. I have wronged you greatly, and I do not know where to begin mending what I have broken. I should have—" He blinked, and there were tears in his eyes. Slowly, she reached to wipe them away. If she were strong enough, she would take him into her arms to comfort him.

"I… I love you, Edwina," he suddenly said.

"Al—" she gasped. It seemed she had lost her ability to form words, even his full name.

"I love you," he repeated. "I have loved you all along, but I was too lost to see it. I feel ashamed that it took a threat to your life to make me face the truth. You have my heart, and I do not want you to ever give it back. If I had more hearts, I would give them all to you."

She touched his face. "I thought you loved Roxanne. I thought you could not love me."

"No. I hated my foolishness. I hated the way she manipulated me. I thought I loved her but what I felt was not it. I understood that when I found you. I did not know love untilyou."

Edwina was certain her chest was too small to contain her blossoming heart, and she found strength in that happiness, enough to draw him into her arms. He covered her face with kisses.

Some hours later, Dr. Palmer arrived, saying she was very fortunate to have survived such poisoning. While she had been asleep, she might have heard voices talking about poisoning and who could have done it. There was only one person she knew with enough spite to carry out such a thing

After the Doctor’s departure, the rest of the frantic party rushed back into her bedchamber, each declaring their relief and joy at seeing her recover. Kitty burst into tears and almost threw herself at her, while Tommen stood with the broadest smile she had ever seen him display.

“Now that I know you are well, I shall return to Town to annul my marriage,” he said after a while.

"What happens after that, Tommen?" she asked.

"I wish to travel," he replied, smiling. "The Continent, the Americas, even the East Indies. I may still have some debt to settle, but I am going to be free at last, Edwina."

She was truly happy for him. He had been his mother's prisoner for his entire life, and now his wife's, too. He deserved the freedom. When the room was emptied and she was alone with Albert again, he told her about his suspicions, and his plans to get her justice.

"I want to be a part of the plan," Edwina said.

“No, I cannot allow you. I almost lost you.”