"Thank you." Edwina smiled, she supposed she owed her radiance to their nocturnal activities.

"I came to say goodbye. My carriage awaits as we speak,” Nora said.

"You're leaving this night?" Edwina was surprised.

"It was a sudden decision, but I must go." Edwina had a feeling their abrupt marriage had a lot to do with that hasty decision. She understood, however. Nora had drawn lines, and she was a woman who respected boundaries.

"I must confess, Nora," Edwina said, "I really am glad I met you. You made the weeks better for me."

"After Albert, I presume?" Nora chuckled. "Oh, Newlyweds," she sighed, "I remember my own days. The elation—"

"You loved him?" Edwina asked, for marrying for love was uncommon among theton, indeed. "Forgive my presumptuousness, but I was only curious," she quickly added.

"There is no need for the apology, Dear. One could never tell with the lifestyle I lead now. But yes, my late husband and I married for love. I never thought I could get better after his death until—" She did not finish her sentence.

"Until you met Albert," Edwina completed it for her. Edwina already knew. Besides, it was time they openly acknowledged it between them if they were to have a wholehearted friendship. Disregarding a vital detail such as that felt too hypocritical. It was a truth both parties had to accept.

"Forgive me, Edwina, I got carried away and briefly forgot who I was talking to. You always did feel like an old friend," Nora said.

The sincerity in her words further endeared her to Edwina. "We all have pasts we are still trying to move past, Nora. I completely understand."

Fleetingly, Edwina's thoughts went back to those two letters she had stashed away in her boxes. Then inexplicably, she thought of Roxanne's mysterious man.

"Thank you for understanding, My Dear." Nora took her hands in hers and gave them a gentle squeeze, pulling her back to the present.

"I do hope you will stay in touch," Edwina urged.

"I shall try," Nora responded.

"Do not try,write."

"Very well, Your Grace." She curtsied gracefully before walking away.

When Edwina rounded a corner, she spied a gentleman exiting a room at the end of the hallway and going in the opposite direction. Although he looked familiar, he had his back to her, thus, she could not confirm who it was. She had barely taken another step when Kitty exited the same room.

The air about her did not feel pleased. Edwina made to follow her friend who seemed like she was headed back to her room, but thought better of it. Perhaps some space would do Kitty more good right now. She would find her and talk to her tomorrow, she decided.

A strong arm circled around her waist from behind her just then, and a familiar scent suffused her senses. "Albert." Edwina smiled as her husband kissed her cheek.

"What say you we abandon the party and go to bed?" he whispered.

"You go ahead. I am not sleepy yet." Edwina knew precisely what he wanted.

"Oh, sleep is far from what I am thinking of right now, Darling." He tugged her close, pressing her back against his hard body.

"I know." She laughed. "We won't be missed?"

"They have plenty of booze and country dances to keep them occupied. Believe me, they will hardly notice."

"I would not care if they did," she confessed, turning to face him. "Shall we?" She wished to spend time with him.

“I did not expect you to agree so easily.” His eyes widened with surprise before a grin broke across his handsome features. “Do you want me to carry you?”

Before she could respond, he had swept her into his arms.

* * *

The following day, Edwina spent her entire morning getting acquainted with her new household. After the customary formal introductions to the servants, she was whisked away by the housekeeper to learn about the new accounts she would now be managing. Mrs. Edlund wasted no time, and Edwina was fast coming to understand that the housekeeper practically ran the household like a military camp.