"I kept you up for the most part of the night, Edwina. It is only right that I allow you some rest after." Edwina found more color shooting up to her cheeks at the memory of just how he had kept her up indeed.

"I overslept, Albert." She tried to change the course of the conversation. "Kitty will wake up and be wondering where I am. Oh, perhaps she is even worried sick!"

"Edwina, Darling," he took hold of her wrist, "calm down. For all we know, the entire household is already talking about the new Duchess. I have already made arrangements for your things to be moved here, you see."

"Albert, but—"

"No arguments." He shook his head. "Have your breakfast, then go to your friend. I shall see you later." He stood, and with one final kiss, he left her.

Edwina quickly got dressed and slipped out of the room, not bothering with the food. The Mansion was quiet, and she hoped she would not meet anyone because her dress was partly undone.

"Edwina!" Kitty practically screamed upon her entrance. "Oh, Dear, thank God you are all right. I was worried sick when I woke up and could not find you." Kitty reached for her hands and squeezed them. "Even Danny did not know where you were."

"Kitty," Edwina began. She did not know how to break the news to her friend. What would she say to her? That she had gotten married overnight while she was here crying herself to sleep over a man?

"What had me most concerned was your things being moved out, Edwina," Kitty continued. "Danny said something about a rumor and a Duchess. What is going on?"

"Yes, Kitty—" she began again, but before she could put in another word, the door burst open.

"Edwina, dear!" Camilla's excited voice rang out from the sitting room. "Or shall I say, ‘Your Grace’ now?"

"Your what?!" Kitty asked, looking utterly befuddled.

"I was just about to tell her," Edwina mumbled.

"She ismarried, Kitty!" Camilla announced.

Chapter Thirty

"Are you sure it is not just a rumor you heard, Mama?" Kitty asked.

"It is not," Edwina said, watching her eyes turn as wide as saucers with shock.

"It was so unexpected, Kitty. I would have told you, but Albert insisted on a late ceremony last night, and everything just happened too quickly. I—”

"Edwina!" Kitty took hold of her shoulders. "You do not have to explain anything. You were betrothed to him, after all." Then she burst into tears.

"Oh, Kitty!" Edwina pulled her into her arms.

"I am happy for you, Edwina," Kitty sobbed. "I truly am."

Although Edwina believed her, somehow, she could not help but feel as though Kitty was trying to convince herself of those words. She tightened her arms around her weeping friend, nonetheless, because she understood. Kitty was clearly going through something, and the news must not be easy for her.

"Oh, Girls!" Camilla's arms came around them then.

"When is the wedding breakfast?" Kitty mumbled, sniffling.

"The wedding breakfast?" Edwina asked, dumbly.

"Yes. You cannot get married and expect us not to celebrate in any form, Edwina." Kitty wiped at her eyes.

"I heartily agree!" Camilla said, straightening. "I shall see to the preparations at once."

Dinner was organized instead of a wedding breakfast because Albert was away on some business until late afternoon. As the guests’ numbers had already begun to thin over the past few days, the festivities were kept to a minimum.

Although Edwina tried to enjoy her evening, she still worried about Kitty, whom she felt was not completely herself. When her husband's attention was commandeered by some Members of Parliament, Edwina slipped away to find Kitty. She was accosted by a gentle tap on her shoulder, followed by a familiar voice.

"Edwina," Nora said. "I must say, you look positively radiant tonight."