"A woman with excellent taste." He raised his mug in her direction as if making a toast.

Edwina smiled, refocusing her attention on her food but she felt his eyes following her every move. He seemed like he wanted to say something but was holding back. When she finally grew impatient, she said, "I cannot imagine suffocating yourself by holding your tongue is good for you, Mr. Winfield."

"What?" he asked in an amused tone, looking innocent. She was cautious around him because of their last conversation, but the main reason for her formality was because of Albert. She would treat his family in the same manner that she treated him; coolly but respectfully.

"It is obvious that you are very curious about something," she replied. "You are free to ask."

"I know about your situation with my cousin," he said.

"Everything?" she asked. She suspected he knew.

"Everything," he echoed.

"Then, are you curious about when I will finally pack my things and be out of both your lives?" Edwina did not bother to contradict whatever his cousin had told him. She owed only Albert an explanation and he did not wish to have it.

"As a matter of fact, no," Steven said, refilling his coffee cup. "You are not the only one at fault, you know." The amusement returned to his voice and expression.

"All I know is that I was the one with the dubious motive," Edwina said flatly. There was no one in the breakfast room, not even footmen. It was usually empty after everyone had eaten.

"Perhaps you are right but there is something else," he stated. "Albert would probably kill me for telling you this, but I think it will help you feel better. You were not the only one with… er… dubiousmotives."

"What do you mean?" She was about to take a bite of her plain toast but paused.

"I mean that my cousin announced the engagement partly to spite someone. His intentions were not entirely pure and honorable. Like you, he had something to gain."

At first, Edwina did not know how to feel about this new piece of information but when she remembered her encounter with Albert last night and his true reason for trying to kiss her, she began to realize just how plausible it was that he had done it all just to spite someone. A woman most likely.Nora?

She bit into her toast and chewed, disliking the taste which was due to her mood and appetite. After washing it down with some coffee, she asked. "Who is the fortunate lady?" Her expression was a mask. At least, she tried to make it appear so in spite of the bubble of hurt beginning to expand in her chest.

"An old flame," Steven supplied as though it were nothing, confirming her suspicion.

“Lady Stenton?”

He laughed. "You do not happen to know Roxanne Perkins, do you?"

Edwina thought he had just poured salt into her wounds. Of all the women in the world—

Why had it not been Nora?She would have been able to handle it if it had been her. From what Kitty had told her about Roxanne, she was mean and conceited and cared about no one but herself. Albert did not look like the sort of man to pay her any mind. Yet he did and had asked her to marry him to spite her.

"Why are you telling me all this, Mr. Winfield?" she asked.

"I never had anything personal against you, Edwina. If anything, I like you. Albert is like my brother and it falls upon me to protect him from certain things. He has a flawed judgment. Surely, you understand?"

"I do not," she replied.

“You have a brother—”

"My relationship with my half-brother is so unlike the usual sibling relationship in that it does not exist."

He chuckled. "Albert found himself in a very unfortunate situation once.” He stood. “It is not my place to divulge to you something of such consequence to him. If he wishes for you to learn of it, he will tell you himself. I have already said enough as it is. But do understand that I was trying to prevent history from repeating itself through whatever little way I could. I am not in any way excusing his actions but he finds himself, more often than not, ruled by impulses."

He bowed and strode out of the room. A long moment passed before she blinked and pushed the plate in front of her away. Now she knew how he had felt after learning of her deception.

Still, this pained her more than she thought was possible and wounded pride was much more difficult to deal with in some instances than a broken heart. She knew the pain of a broken heart and this was not it.

She left the breakfast room, planning to return to her bedchamber but spied a rather disheveled Roxanne exiting a room in one of the many hallways in the Mansion.

She was unaware of Edwina’s presence as she smoothed her skirts and patted her dark curls. Then she went in the opposite direction. She had likely been in there with someone and Edwina wondered who. Her brother? Another gentleman?