“I thought it was your shawl.”

He would have laughed at Miss Matthews’ reaction had the situation been less tense. They entered the Mansion through the side door and he called out to the butler. “Chessman!”

“He is with the search party,” Kitty supplied.

A footman approached and he called to him. “Find Chessman and tell him to summon Dr. Palmer at once.”

“At once, Your Grace.” The footman bowed and ran off while he carried Edwina up to her chambers.

“Edwina, I am so relieved you are well. Whatever were you doing out and why are you covered in mud?”

Albert rolled his eyes and almost asked her to keep quiet. His arms were severely fatigued and he was hurrying to place Edwina safely in her chambers. “It is a long story. I shall tell you later,” Edwina said.

Miss Matthews opened the door for them and he set her down on the sofa. The puppy leaped from her arms and started following Miss Matthews. “Aren’t you a dear little thing!” She bent to pat him on the head. “A very dirty dear.”

“How are you?” He asked Edwina, glancing down at his body. He was nearly soaked through and covered in mud.

Her teeth clattered. “Cold… aching —”

“The Doctor is coming. You shall be well again.” She nodded and closed her eyes. He wanted to wrap his arms around her and warm her. Clearing his throat, he turned to Miss Matthews to give her instructions.

“The Doctor will be here to tend to her foot. It is injured. In the meantime, a bath would be good.”

The coolness she had displayed earlier returned. “Thank you for helping her, Your Grace. I shall take care of her.” Without another word, she went to Edwina.

Something touched his boot and a low growl followed. He glanced down at the puppy. He did not know what Edwina had told her friend about him but something had changed in her communication with him. Now, it appeared as though the dog had joined in, taking the women’s side.

He strode out to look for his housekeeper, Mrs. Edlund. He put her in charge of Edwina before went up to his own chamber to clean up.

An hour later, Dr. Palmer arrived and immediately tended to her foot. He was speaking with Mrs. Edlund when Albert found them. “What is the matter?” he asked.

“Lady Edwina sprained her ankle but it is a minor sprain. If she can keep off the foot, she should be well in two or three days.”

“Thank you, Doctor.”

The middle-aged man bowed and excused them. "Dr. Palmer has administered her some laudanum to keep the pain at bay,” Mrs. Edlund said. “She is not to be disturbed while she sleeps.”

"Well, I was going to see her briefly," he started to say but the housekeeper shook her head.

“I would not advise that, Your Grace. She mustn’t be disturbed. “I shan’t allow anyone to see her until tomorrow.”

He knew not to argue with her and he was very tired. Mrs. Edlund had been the housekeeper for as long as he could remember, and her authoritative reputation had not died down over the years. Her efforts remained appreciated as always, however.

* * *

Early the following morning, Albert made his way to Edwina's chambers. He knocked gently but no answer came. He glanced first to his left then his right to insure that no one was around before opening the door.

Upon entering the adjoining sitting area, he was greeted by a conversation coming from the bedchamber. He thought to leave but something that was being said stopped him dead. "I should never have trapped him in the first place, Kitty," Edwina was saying.

"But we did not trap the Duke in particular and it could have been anyone. It just happened to be him," Miss Matthews responded.

"It does not change the fact that we orchestrated it all. I wish I could undo everything," Edwina said.

Albert could feel the blood drain from his face as the wordtrapechoed in his head over and over again, growing louder with each second that ticked by until it was all he could hear.

Steven was right. He had been a fool. Again. He swiveled and in his haste bumped into a nearby side stool, sending the vase atop it crashing to the floor.

"Who is there?" Miss Matthews called.