"Whatever you want it to mean, Darling," he teased, his gaze settling on a book she had brought with her.

Afraid of being judged, Edwina quickly removed herself from his grasp and tried to snatch it from the table. He reached it first. "Interesting,” he murmured, turning the book in his hand before opening it and flipping the pages. "I had no idea I have these kinds of books in my library."

"It is not from your library." She could not meet his eyes.

"Oh? Where then?"

"It is mine. I brought it from London."

He was silent for a moment before taking a step in her direction and saying, "Curiosity can be a curse. But why would you bother with books when you can have a real experience?" His voice grew husky and he towered over her, regarding her with unconcealed hunger in his eyes.

Edwina’s body lit up and her most sensitive flesh began to throb. "Unfortunately, I cannot explore and get away with it like you,” she whispered.

"A woman that is not ashamed of admitting her desire is a rare one." He touched her shoulder and turned her around. "As selfish as this might sound, I am glad you lack the liberty to."


"Because I should hate for anyone to dothisto you." His hand found her breast and cupped it and the other pulled her flush against his body. "And this." He parted the lapels of her robe and pushed down the strap of her night rail, placing an open-mouthed kiss just above her left breast.

"Rowan," she gasped, her mind reeling.

"Don't you want to explore, Darling?" His breath was warm against her skin. "The things you read about, you could have them all and more. God knows I am more than willing to help you."

"I know." She deliberately brushed her thigh against the evidence of his desire.

In one swift motion, he picked her up and pinned her against the bookshelves. Her legs wrapped around his waist. Then his lips came on hers, hot and demanding. She ignored all the warnings sounding in her head as she ran her fingers through his hair and down his back. Passion was stronger than reason and when she was in his arms, she was not herself.

"Dear God, Edwina," he rasped between kisses.

"Show me, Rowan," she encouraged, wanton. "Prove to me that my books are not lying." With a primal growl, he began to grind his pelvis against hers.

"Heavens!" A woman's surprised voice came from behind them.

Edwina started and tried to push him away from her, forgetting that her legs were wrapped around his waist. He cursed before helping her unwrap her legs and lowering them. He pulled away and turned his head to face their intruder. Then he tensed. "Nora?"

Nora? A weight settled in Edwina's stomach. Was this the same Nora that he had mistaken her for on the night of the masquerade?

"So it is true," she said, looking past him at Edwina. "I thought it was plain rumors when I heard about your betrothal."

"What are you doing here?" he did not sound pleased.

"Is this how it is, Albert?" Now she appeared wounded. "I should think that our history deserves more than this from you."

Edwina started to move past him to leave but he held a hand out to keep her where she was, the gesture equal parts possessive and protective. Something warmed within her.

When she looked at Nora, she understood why he had mistaken them. The woman had fair hair and blue eyes. She was also as small in stature as Edwina. If their faces were covered, they could easily be mistaken for the same person. He had a certain look he enjoyed in a woman, it would seem. A pang of jealousy hit her.

"Thank you for not inviting me to your house party," she continued. "To be honest, I thought of rejecting Steven's invitation but I wanted to see the woman you announced passionately to a crowd that you wish to marry."

"Steven invited you?" Albert asked, his expression hardening.

Edwina suspected Steven had invited Nora on purpose. He might have disliked her and wished to disturb their engagement.

"Your cousin is a generous one." Nora slanted him a smile. A smile that could disarm a man and Edwina wondered how she could ever compete with that. "Are you going to introduce me to the woman who is finally going to chain you?" She looked amused but her posture betrayed her emotions. She was jealous.

What does she have to be jealous about?

"Edwina," he said after a brief pause. "This is Lady Stenton, a friend of mine."