“My sister wanted a glass slipper after reading the Brothers Grimm’sCinderellaand when her governess told her that it was not possible, she decided to call her favorite thing in the world Glass Blanket,” Albert explained, his love for his sister breaking through his care-free mien.

"That is an interesting tale. The name certainly fits." Edwina smiled and gathered her skirts after discarding her boots and prepared to go into the water.

She would not venture deep, she decided. She would have the water go up to her calves and no further. If Albert had not been there, she would have taken a full dip. "Who goes swimming with a bonnet on?" he called out after her. "Not to mention fully clothed." A wicked smile enhanced his handsome features.

"If you are hoping for a show, then I am sorry to disappoint you," she called back, wading further into the water, disturbing its stillness. "The sun gives me freckles.”

He took off his boots and followed her in. Towering over her, he said, "I like freckles."

"On your face, you would never!"

"We are not talking about my face here, Darling—" he let his words trail off, their meaning hanging heavily between them.

"You must miss her, especially when you see this lake," Edwina said suddenly to change the subject, turning away and touching the water with her involved hands.

"Yes, I miss Lannie every day." He smiled.

"Her name is Lannie?"

"Elaine. I call her Lannie." Edwina was glad that despite not having much of a family, he had his sister and his relationship with her was good. She wished she had a good relationship with her brother.

"She does not visit often, does she?" She was genuinely curious about his life.

"She returned after the old Duke’s death but only stayed for eight weeks. He disowned her when she eloped. I visit her whenever I can."

"When did he pass on?"

His expression immediately hardened but he responded. "Six years ago. I was three-and-twenty at the time."

"That is such a young age to take up the burden of a Duchy. I am sorry for your loss."

"Don't be," he said tersely, staring out at the water. It appeared there was more to this story. He showed no fondness for his father.

Deciding to adjourn her curiosity for another day, she took to moving her legs in the water and splashing about. Then her bonnet suddenly flew off her head. “Rowan!”

"You know, for someone trying to protect her face, you certainly did not secure this thing very well. These ribbons are flimsy." He turned the bonnet in his hand and she reached for it. He raised it above his head. She got onto the tips of her toes to gain some height and reached for the bonnet he dangled above her.

"Give it back!" She tried to jump but the water pulled her down. She would fall if she tried again, and thus, she resorted to pleading. “May I have my bonnet back, please?”

"You can have it if you can reach it."

"Do you always use your height to your advantage when bullying people?" she asked, placing her damp hands on her hips.

"Only people called Edwina."

"Why me?"

"You are the most fun," he said shamelessly.

"Rowan," she said in a reprimanding tone, mirth and frustration playing on her face.

"Why don't we change the terms a little? I will give it back if you call me Albert."

At this, she stopped trying to get back her bonnet and crossed her hands over her chest. She did not wish to call him Albert. She liked Rowan better and it peeved him. "You would rather have freckles than call me Albert?" He let out an incredulous laugh.

"You are too accustomed to getting what you want. Someone needs to teach you a lesson." She grinned.

"Oh, I have been learning a lot since I met you."