I move my weight on top of her, holding up the majority of it with my hands on the bed at her sides, and settle my hips between the magnificent apex of hers.

Her bare pussy glistens in the low light of my bedside lamp, and I can’t help myself as I rub the skin of my dick across it.


This woman may very well be the hottest woman I have ever laid eyes on in my life. Not just in adulthood or my flings, but also in my adolescent fantasies and in the bulk of my wet dreams.

She is the epitome of everything I only imagined existed, and in an ironic twist, I’ve known her nearly all of my life.

She tosses her head back again, exposing her neck as I settle my cock into place and start to push forward, but I force her chin to tip back down with a gentle nudge of my finger and meet her violet eyes with my own.

“God, Rock.”

She moans, and tempted beyond my resolve to hold her eyes, I lean down to take her lips in a long, slow kiss.

Easy at first and all at once at the end, her lips part under mine and allow my tongue entrance into her mouth. It tastes sweet like the chocolate mint candy from the bar we ate just before making our run from it, and goddamn, it is the perfect dessert to go with the taste of her that still lingers on my lips.

Steady but paced, I push my cock into the warm, tight heaven of her pussy. Its grip is unbelievable as I push inside, but I can feel the second she releases the tension in her muscles and lets me settle inside.

And we fit. God, do we fit.

Like a puzzle finally solved, my dick has never found a more perfect home.

Rocky’s pussy is a rent-controlled three-bedroom penthouse with good light and a doorman on the Upper East Side, and I can’t believe I’m getting the chance to live in it, even for a night.

I start a rhythm with my hips, in and out and back in again with a pause. She grabs my face and pulls my lips back to hers, and I’m all too happy to comply. In fact, if I have any complaint at all, it’s that it feels nearly impossible to pull back out after I’ve thrust in. Our connection feels that powerful.

I watch closely as her eyes fall closed, and her mouth opens again with an impending climax. I know the look well—I just watched it happen a few minutes ago.

She is fucking gorgeous.

Her pleasure confirmed and satisfied, I concentrate on my own, letting myself feel the warmth of her flesh and the shape of her breasts beneath me. I bend down to take a nipple in my mouth as she wraps her legs around my back and grabs on to my ass with both hands.

All at once, my orgasm overwhelms me, shooting from my spine and spiraling in all directions.

I’m briefly blind to the world around me as sheer bliss settles over me and steals my breath.

If she lived on this side of the country, I’d very well be racking my brain, trying to come up with a way to ensure this isn’t the only time we’re together.

In fact, I’d be looking for a way to keep her around for a long, long, long while.


There is nothing more unpredictable than a pregnant woman’s cravings. And I’m finding, when it comes to Rocky, those cravings can change by the damn second.

A commercial about Reese’s Cups on TV.

A billboard on the street for a burger joint.

A weird dream about swimming in a pool of hot chocolate.

You name it, and it’s a catalyst for the unexpected.

Though, if I’m being honest, I kind of love it. And I certainly love being the one who helps her track down whatever her ever-growing belly desires. Take right now, for instance. I’m on a lunch break from work and heading back to Rocky’s trailer on the set of Highlander after obtaining a cup of hot chocolate from one of the caterers.

God, it’s hard to believe it’s already been over a month since Rocky and I screamed—literally—our way into this new phase of our relationship.

We kiss and touch and talk and spend as much time together as possible with our schedules, and when her team isn’t around, I can almost pretend we have a regular relationship. Just an everyday, American couple. That’s mostly contained indoors and avoids public places, mind you. But despite those minor details, it all feels normal. Good. Fucking amazing.

And when her staff is around, we tone it down in the name of keeping at least some tiny semblance of peace.

Truthfully, there’s a part of me that would love to throw it right in Heidi’s face, but I can’t complain, really. All in all, Rocky’s completely changed the way she sees herself and the team around her. I don’t know if I put the fight in her or if the hormones and the baby did, but she, quite frankly, has flipped her switch from amenable to entirely hard to handle.