I nod. For as much as I’d like to say, it’s the only thing I can manage, knowing I have to have it out with Heidi first. Because the only way I’m going to be able to give Harrison a fair shot is if I make it clear that he’s around to stay.

I don’t need the stress of the constant fighting, and neither does the baby, and more than that, there are a lot more important things to worry about. It’s high time everyone gets with the program, starting today.

Harrison leans down slowly and touches his lips to mine—just one, gentle, beyond innocent touch—but my hormones jump into freaking overdrive. My stomach tightens in a Braxton-Hicks-like contraction at the sudden flood of blood to the area.

Holy moly, his lips always feel so good.

My interest is avid as he steps away, back over to the couch, and pulls his previously discarded button-down back around his shoulders. One at a time, his arms go through the white sleeves, and I have to bite my lip to keep from moaning as he painstakingly does up the front, one button at a time.

Sweet, merciful Jesus.

He smirks, clearly knowing what he’s doing, the bastard, and walks over to me again when he’s done. After one quick kiss to the forehead, he heads for the door.

Only when he has it open does he turn back to say one more thing. “Text me. Call me. Whatever, okay?”

I nod. “I will.”

But first, it’s about time I make sure everybody knows how it’s going to be.

“Thanks, Freddie,” I say as he opens the door to my trailer on the set of Highlander for me. He smiles but otherwise keeps to himself like normal. To be honest, I’m not entirely sure I’ve ever heard Freddie speak in the entire decade he’s been working for me. I’ve spoken to him a ton, and he always answers me with his face, but I really don’t know that I’d even recognize his voice in a lineup.

Heidi’s, however, I would know anywhere. It practically haunts me in my dreams.

“Morning, sweetie!” Alejo greets me with a smile. “Ready to become an eighteenth-century Scottish lass with a flawless complexion?”

Heidi sits on the couch at the other end of the trailer, typing away on her phone like a madwoman. She doesn’t look up, but I can still feel the weight of her every thought even without her gaze.

I turn back to Alejo and smile. “Almost. I just, um, actually need a minute with Heidi before we get started today, if that’s okay?”

“Sure, sweetie—” Alejo starts to say, shoving away from his station, but Heidi interrupts.

“We’re on a schedule, Raquel. Sit down and let Alejandro do your makeup.”

Alejo’s eyebrows climb to his forehead, but he freezes in his tracks, unsure of what he should do. And I have to bite my tongue to stop myself from lashing out—I know that’s what she’s after. She wants to have a reason to put me in my place before I can get to any of the points I want to discuss.

So, ignoring the rapidly building steam in nearly every part of my body, extremities included, I reply with a calm and steady confidence. “I know it’s a busy day, and this won’t take long. But it’s important, so Alejo is going to step out for a minute…” I turn to him and smile again. “Thanks, honey.” His eyes alight with happiness at my orders, he scoots around the makeup chair and hustles to the trailer door.

Heidi finally stops typing on her phone and watches me like a snake watches a mouse as I approach. Lucky for me, my size and the parts contributing to it make me a whole lot harder to swallow whole these days.

“All right, Raquel. You’ve had your little scene and gotten your way. Now what are you going to do with it?”

“Well, for starters, I’m going to ask you to drop the attitude. I understand that over the years, I’ve given you reason to use it a time or two, but this isn’t one of those times, and this is a professional conversation. You can either get on board with that or—”

“Or what?” she says snidely.

“Or I’m going to have to find someone better suited to me, Heidi.”

She scoffs, and at the sound, I’ve finally had enough. “Stop, okay? Just stop. We’ve worked together for years—since my parents left—and you’re the closest thing I’ve had to family since. It’s absolutely ridiculous to think that we can’t manage a civil conversation after all of that history together.”

She sighs, but it’s finally the kind of agreement. “Fine. You’re right. I’m just still dealing with last night,” she says pointedly, and I nod.

“I understand. I know I’ve made some choices you don’t agree with—choices that don’t fit the mold of a Hollywood starlet—but in the process, I’m finally feeling like I’m on the right track. I’m growing up. Getting my life together. Making some of my own choices, good or bad, because in a couple of months—or hell, maybe less—I’m going to be in charge of more than just my own life.” I put my hands to my stomach as the baby kicks. “I’m going to be in charge of raising a human, Heidi. A life I created. I’m taking that seriously, and that means taking myself seriously. So, from now on, I’m going to be making my own decisions, and you’re either going to be okay with that, or I’m going to find someone who is.”