Heidi raises an eyebrow but, surprisingly, nods. Apparently, I’ve done a good enough job of making my point that we don’t have to have a WWE wrestling match right here in the lobby of the Dolby Theatre.

Thank everything.

Now, I just have to get through this night without my damn head exploding from all the overwhelming thoughts and questions and feelings rolling around inside my brain.

Yeah… Ha! Considering all that shit stems from the fact that you’re hiding your true feelings about a certain baby daddy, my subconscious laughs in my face. Good luck with that, Raquel.

Fucking hell.


I don’t need moves like Jagger; I need moves like Reeves.

I didn’t sleep much last night; instead, I stayed up well into the morning hours studying my old DVD of The Matrix, making note of all of Keanu’s best moves.

Okay, so that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but the reality of my situation is that I’m about to face one hell of a shitstorm. All mostly courtesy of one stank-faced, shrew of a Hollywood manager.

I raise a hand to the surface of Rocky’s apartment door, and after one swift, deep breath, put my knuckles against it in a confident knock. I even almost mean it.

The truth is, I know I did the right thing last night. There’s no way in hell I would be able to look myself in the mirror if I’d let Rocky fall—especially if she’d gotten hurt or something had happened to the baby as a result. But even more than that, I know this whole Hollywood song and dance and fake fiancé façade hasn’t been making Rocky happy.

That fake fiancé bullshit is also not making you happy…

Truth is, last night, I put the cart a little before the horse, and doing that always has some sort of consequences. There wasn’t a snowball’s chance in hell I could step out onto the red carpet next to one of the most famous women in the world when I wasn’t supposed to and not cause shock waves.

My actions have gone viral, something I wish wasn’t reality, and the texts from my friends—in a brand-new group chat they created just for the big, shock-worthy moment that occurred last night—were enough to make me turn off my phone.

Cap: Bold move, buddy. You know I rarely say this—especially to you—but I’m impressed by your efforts. Keep up the good work, and maybe Raquel Weaver won’t notice that she’s entirely too good for you.

Georgia: God, talk about a swoony moment! Kline won’t stop talking about it.

Kline: I haven’t been talking about it.

Thatch: Brooooo. Impressive showing of dick size.

Quince: As you know, I’m not one for gossip, but that was a pretty major move. You look good together, btw.

Cassie: Holy fluffing hell, Harry! Way to whip your dick out! Good thing Prince Harry has stepped down as an official royal, or I might start to get the two of you confused! PS. Thatcher is totally jealous of all the attention you’re getting right now.

Lena: You swoony bastard. I guess you’re really over me, huh? ;)

Theo: Just texting you to tell you I deleted your number from Lena’s phone.

Greer: I’d say I’m impressed, but I’m withholding judgment until I can assess further. Don’t let me down.

Emory: Thank you for this. I was starting to think I needed to get pregnant again, but now I realize I was just bored. You fixed it.

Cap: This is Ruby. Cap stole my phone before I could text you personally. Badass. Maybe even more so than Cap forming a book club about me.

Cap: This is Ruby again. I didn’t mean that last part. Cap is the most badass in all the land.

Cap: This is REALLY Ruby again. Cap wrestled the phone from my hands.

Cap: False.

There were probably other messages, but I couldn’t handle reading any more after that. It was too poignant a showing of the real extent of what I’d done and the splash it was making in the world.

And I’m a nobody. I can’t even imagine what Rocky’s been going through—and thanks to being sent home last night without being able to talk to her, I haven’t had the chance to hear from her myself.

I tried. Trust me, I tried.

I even sent her text messages trying to convince her to talk me via the promise of making a late-night Taco Bell run.

But she never responded, and now, I don’t know what the fuck to do or what I’m going to face in the next five minutes.

When the door swings open, I am greeted by stank-face’s scowl. Luckily, Rocky is poised right behind her and grabs me by the arm as soon as I’m within reach. I have to power walk to keep up as she drags me into the apartment and shoves me down on the couch before taking a seat beside me.