I wouldn’t normally speak for Rocky, but given her current disadvantageous state, I can’t help myself. “Are you working for him too?” I challenge, and I can tell by the uncomfortable look on Ruth’s face that she is, in fact, working with the Huddleson dickhead.

Heidi’s face hardens slightly. “Ruth is a professional. And yes, she just signed Ben on as one of her many clients.”

Rocky is shocked. “Ruth?”

“He’s a big talent, Raquel,” Ruth comforts with a disingenuous hand to Rocky’s shoulder. “And with your pairing, this will be strategically beneficial for both of you.”

Rocky frowns but doesn’t argue. And I have to bite my tongue so hard, I wouldn’t be surprised if it bleeds.

Heidi’s radar never leaves me. She studies me closely, calculating her next move. I’d like to say she does it maliciously, but that’s maybe taking it a step too far. We’ve rubbed each other the wrong way since I arrived. So, I can’t thoroughly decide if the disdain she clearly feels for me is professional, personal, or if it’s going to leech toxically into the groundwater of Rocky’s and my relationship.

All I can do is keep an ear to the noise and sound the alarm if I hear anything that warrants it.

Done with the distraction of who’s working for whom, Rocky moves on—or back—to the issue at hand—the awards show strategy.

“And what about Harrison?” she asks, making a dimple dent deeply into my cheek. It’s sappy, but I have to admit I’m happy she’s even thinking about me at a time like this.

“What about him?” Heidi replies simply, and it’s so expected, I almost laugh. Instead, I sink my teeth gently into the flesh of my bottom lip and wait to see where Rocky takes it.

“Where’s he going to be during the awards?”

Heidi snorts. “In his apartment, I would presume.”

“What? I thought he was coming?” Rocky asks, her voice escalating with a slight edge of panic. I drop the smile now, concerned for why she’s that upset about me not coming. She did just fine at the last one without me; I’m surprised to find she cares that much.

“Coming?” Heidi says derisively. “You can’t be serious, Raquel. Do you have any idea how complicated that would be? What exactly would you have me do with your extra boyfriend?”

“Vera, I need a minute.” Rocky bats a hand at the eyelash lady to clear her face of utensils and sits up dramatically. She looks a little discombobulated when she opens her half-finished eyes, but she’s still the prettiest woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.


I shake my head just slightly.

Those are the kinds of thoughts that could get me in trouble here. It’s already complicated enough as it is. I don’t want to mess up what I have by trying to push the envelope. Not when my kid is involved.

“I’m not suggesting he come walk the red carpet on my other arm. But you agreed to include him in my life,” Rocky says, shocking the hell out of me. I had no idea they’d been discussing this at all.

Ruth just continues to stand there, but Heidi, of course, is all ready for a rebuttal that indicates they’ve more than discussed it—me—at some length. “I agreed to get him to the doctor. Not to a red-carpet event with all manner of press, Raquel. Be realistic here.”

Rocky frowns, her mouth freezing in a hard line of frustration, but she doesn’t say anything else. Heidi’s mean mug melts into satisfaction.

“I understand your feelings, sweetie,” she says placatingly. “But this is your career, and you need to stay focused.”

I narrow my eyes at the reprimand veiled in faux compassion and have to bite my tongue again when I see Rocky nod hesitantly.

It’s not what she wants, but she’s going along with it anyway, and yet again, this is one of those situations where I’m having a hard time understanding why. Why she won’t stand up for herself. Why she doesn’t push the issue for the sake of her own comfort.

Heidi reaches out then, patting Rocky on the shoulder just like Ruth did. At the sight of it, something inside me snaps, and my teeth lose their hold on my tongue.

“If Rocky really wants me there, why don’t we just camouflage me in the staff?” I suggest. “A handler. A PR assistant. Whatever. There’s bound to be a cloud of you guys following her and Ben around anyway. Just add me into the middle of it.”

Rocky’s look of dejection shifts faster than Jacob transforms into a werewolf in Twilight. I’ve never actually seen Twilight, but I’ve heard enough about it from the guys to know my reference is spot-on.

It’s Rocky’s smile, though, that makes me feel the most victorious. The idea resonates with her in a way that brings her a sense of comfort. I don’t even bother to look in Heidi’s direction because I know what I’ll find.