“How dare you, sir!” Thatch booms. “My lovemaking is unmatched, and my woman’s needs are not lacking!”

“We know she has needs, Thatcher,” Trent clarifies with a smile. “The question is if you’re meeting them.”

“Don’t you mock me and my grammar while I’m emotional, Turner,” Thatch threatens with a shaky finger, using Trent’s last name like an angry mother. “Don’t you do it. You don’t want to know my wrath.”

“You’re so lucky you found a wife, Thatch,” I say with a laugh. “Even if she does go on dates with the housekeeper. I can’t imagine anyone else putting up with your bullshit on such an epic level.”

“Hey, I’m not the single one, bro. So maybe turn that judgy little finger of yours around and take a good hard look at yourself and why you’re not with anyone at all.”

“I actually have someone to set you up with, Harrison,” Kline says offhandedly.

I choke on my saliva before quickly trying to cover it with a cough. His eyes are too keen for my liking, and knowing Kline the way I do—we started out as BAD rugby teammates and have remained friends ever since—I wouldn’t be surprised to find out he’s somehow sniffed out my situation.

I’ve seen him strategizing and unlocking the secrets of others too many times not to treat him like the clever bastard he is.

“Oh yeah?” I say as casually as I can manage. He nods. I clear my throat and look to my cards. “I only hope she lives in California.”

I glance up just long enough to see several sets of eyes turning my way. I look back down at my cards and rearrange them needlessly. Shit. Now probably wasn’t the time…

“Why the hell would you want her to live in California?” Cap booms raucously. “You don’t like to have sexual intercourse?”

Yeah, now definitely wasn’t the time.

But it’s not like I can help it. California and Rocky and the baby are pretty much the only things consuming my thoughts at this point.

I shake my head at his ridiculousness and try to steady my voice. “I do, in fact, like to have sex. Which is why California is important.” I bite the bullet and look up to meet all of their gazes. “I, uh, might be moving there soon.”

Is this a bit of an overreaction to my current dilemma? Just up and moving to California?

No…yes…maybe? Hell, I don’t know.

But I do know that I can’t stomach the idea of my future child being born into a world that I’m not a part of. The fact that I haven’t been able to talk to the mother of my future child is minor details in my mind. I need to be there for my kid. I need to be the kind of father I wish I would have had growing up.

“What the fluff?” Thatch yells. “Cali-fluffing-fornia? That’s on the other side of the fluffing country!”

I nod, but as much as I want to, I don’t dare laugh. Thatch would turn apoplectic if he thought I was mocking his grief. “I know and I’m not completely certain yet, but I’ll be making a trip out there this week to finalize some details and decide for sure. I think I just need a change of pace. New scenery. New opportunities.”

“What about work?” Cap interjects. “Are you leaving HawCom? After everything my father has done for you?”

I shake my head. “Jared is on board. We’ve already discussed it at length, and we both think we can make the move work for both me and the company if it comes to that. He’s been talking about expanding his headquarters, and this will be a great opportunity to test the viability of a bicoastal structure.”

“I’m really getting the sense that I’m missing something. Did you just find out you’re making a major move this week?” Trent asks smartly.

“Yeah,” Quince agrees. “When are you going? Surely, you’ve stipulated that you have at least sixty days to make the transition.”

I shake my head. “I still have to make my trip out there this week, and if the move is viable, I’ll be back to make my arrangements and be out there by the following week.”

Wes chokes on his tongue. “A week? To move your whole life?”

“Relax, guys,” I say. “I’ll be working bicoastally still. I’ll be back to visit often, and I’m a single guy. I don’t have that much of a life to move.”

“I’m just not sure how—” Milo starts, but Kline cuts him off.

“Come on, guys. Sounds like Harrison’s made his decision. Let’s all support him.”

Theo nods. “Sounds like he knows what he’s doing.”

I wish I were half as confident as Theo sounds. Because as much as I know I’m doing the right thing—for both my future child and myself—I don’t have a goddamn clue what I’m actually doing. I haven’t even broken through the firewall of staff Rocky has around her to speak with her at this point. I’m not sure how I’m going to change that once I get out there, but I can’t imagine a closer proximity will hurt.