“Congratulations, guys. It’s a beautiful, magical, incredibly loved little…girl,” are the best words I’ve ever heard in my entire life.

A girl. We have a girl.

A sob escapes my throat, and Harrison’s tears are hot and beautiful and special as they drip down onto my face, his arm around my shoulders and his head right above me.

Melody takes a quick peek at the baby to make sure she’s perfectly healthy as she takes her from Dr. Will’s arms, and then lays her on my chest.

Oh my goodness. She’s here. My little girl is finally here.

I stare down at her sweet little face, taking in her head full of dark hair and the way her big, wide, beautiful eyes blink open to take in the world.

Be still my beating heart.

“Proud of you, Rock. So damn proud of you,” Harrison whispers into my ear and then kisses my forehead. “I love you so much, baby. So, so much.”

I peek up at him. “I love you, too.”

He leans even closer, stroking the top of my head with one hand and using the other to stroke our beautiful daughter’s head in the same way.

“She’s beautiful, Rock. So beautiful,” he whispers. “And she needs a name.”

I smile and stare down at our little girl. “Ellie.”

Harrison glances at me in surprise, his eyes locking with mine. “You want to name her after my mom?”

I nod. “I can’t think of a more perfect name for our little girl.”

“Thank you,” he says and presses a gentle kiss to my lips.

And my tears are as strong as ever, but so incredibly happy as he whispers words he’s given me before, words he used to lift me up, right into the wide eyes of our sweet baby. “You’re not a daddy’s girl, Ellie. It’s the other way around. I’m this girl’s daddy. You are the star, you hear me? And I’ll be here to gaze at you while you shine every single step of the way.”

Welcome to the world, my sweet Ellie girl. You and your daddy are my whole life.


It’s the middle of the night in a private hospital room in New York City. I’ve just given birth immediately after a cross-country dash and forty-eight hours of a volume of emotional trauma that could last a lifetime.

I’ve been betrayed by the very people I’ve held closest to me for years—people I’ve largely allowed to command every facet of my life—reunited with the man of my dreams, and played detective with a group of zany, overwhelmingly charming billionaires.

I should be at my wits’ end or frazzled or juggling the weight of what to do now.

Instead, I can honestly say I have never been more at peace.

Soft light from the street outside casts a glow on Harrison’s beautiful face as he sleeps with Ellie on his chest. She’s curled up tight, little cherub cheek to manly pec, her whole world content and right in the loving warmth of her daddy.

I grin at how her little baby butt sticks up in the air as she cuddles against his tanned, warm skin.

Is there anything cuter than a tiny baby’s bottom? Round and perfect and almost too big for their body. I think not.

A dreamy, content sigh escapes my lips.

The three of us like this, with trustworthy people like Dr. Will and Melody looking out for our privacy while we soak in what it’s like to be a real family—this is what dreams are made of.

Not star-studded walks down the red carpet. Not questions about my sex life on a tour of nonsense late shows. Not a hectic schedule dictated by a group of people who are dependent on my success for money.

My whole world is right here, in this room.

Another content sigh escapes my lips, a soft whoosh of air into the dimly lit silence. I don’t bother closing my eyes. I’m tired, sure, but lying here, watching my world come into focus with a clarity I’ve never felt before is worth the sacrifice of sleep.

I just want to take in the beauty that is Harrison and Ellie—my family.

When I was a kid, my family was a good family. A loving, caring family, even. But when we entered the world of Hollywood, everything changed. Our lives changed. My parents changed. Hell, my brother changed so much he had to leave everything behind, including me.

I don’t want that for my family.

I want safety and security. I want quiet, innocent, peaceful moments like this.

Ellie squirms a little on Harrison’s chest, and eventually my lovey-dovey gawk fest is disturbed when he opens his eyes and looks over at me.

“You okay?” he asks, likely because of my stare.

“Uh-huh.” Truthfully, I don’t think I’ve ever been better. And I just pushed a bowling ball out of my vagina, so…that’s saying something.

“Why aren’t you sleeping?”

I shrug and smile. “Too busy watching you two, I guess.”