Page 41 of 365 Days

A day later, we were heading home to Las Vegas, and of course, James spent most of the flight working. When we arrived home, he took me back to the bedroom next to mine. I had been under the impression that it was a guest bedroom, but it was set up like an office with a large L-shaped desk, several bookshelves, a whiteboard on the wall, and a file cabinet.

"Will this work for your office at home?" he asked.

"I think it will." It appeared to have everything I’d need, including a computer and printer.

"Well, if there's anything else you need, let me know. Amelia was able to help me get this all set up while we were gone, but it’s just the basics."

I was beginning to recognize how much he relied on Amelia. It was clear to me that she was the only person he truly cared for, and certainly, the only one he trusted. My initial thought was that it was sad that he didn't have more people in his life, but then I thought of my own life. I didn't have a lot of people, either. I definitely didn't have someone I completely trusted like James had in Amelia. In fact, I didn’t have anyone.

I spent the rest of that day getting settled into my new home office. The next day, James went to the office while I stayed home. Once again, I felt like a kept trophy wife, which didn't sit right with me. So after I poured a cup of coffee, I headed to my new office and got to work doing the research James wanted me to do on the board.

I didn't find any new visits from members of the board to James’s father in prison, but I did learn that his father had filed an appeal. I was certain that James wasn't going to like that.

In going through receipts James had recently asked the finance department to share with him, I found an interesting reimbursement the company was paying George Keyes weekly from a visit to a casino hotel. Calling the hotel and pretending to be his secretary, I told the person who answered the phone that I wanted to be sure everything for Mr. Keyes was set up right as he’d had a problem during his last visit. It was a long shot that I’d learn anything. More likely, I’d be told that information couldn’t be given to me over the phone or they didn’t know what I was talking about.

“I’m sorry. I had no idea there was an issue with Mr. Keyes’s room.”

Room? The man lived in Las Vegas.

“We’ll make sure it’s taken care of. I’ll include an extra bottle of champagne. On the house.”

“Mr. Keyes will be pleased to hear that. As well as his friend.” Again, I was guessing at his activities.

“I’m glad to hear that. We don’t want to upset long-standing patrons.”

Long-standing? For someone so worried about James ruining the company’s reputation, the guy was playing it fast and loose with his own.

That evening, James arrived home at a reasonable hour, but he had brought with him a great deal of work.

"I figured it wouldn't look right if I worked late when I had a new bride at home," he said regarding the work. "I also brought us some take-out so we can talk. It’s Thai."

For some reason, his need to talk unsettled me. I wondered if something happened at work that was going to put a wrench in our fake marriage.

“I like Thai.”

He set the food on the kitchen table, then went to the cupboards for plates. "George Keyes is having a New Year's Eve party tomorrow, and we are invited. I tried to bow out, but he made comments suggesting he thought our marriage was suspicious. So, we need to go, and we need to look like—"

"I know. Like we're head over heels in love." It was one thing to pull it off in pictures. Would we be able to manage it in person? I suppose we were going to find out.

"I didn't think we would have to put this plan to the test like this. I can try to find an excuse to get out of it, but if we can pull it off, life will be smooth sailing ahead for us." He set plates and utensils on the table.

"This is what I signed up for.”

He stopped and stared at me for a moment. I got the feeling he wondered if we’d be able to pull it off. Finally, he retrieved wine glasses and a bottle of red wine.

I sat down, taking the food from the bag. “I want to tell you, I found out that your father filed an appeal. He's trying to challenge the tape that was made without his knowledge."

James's features darkened. "You mean the tape where he admitted to drugging my sister and Max?"

I shrugged. "I don't know the details." While it wasn't any of my business, I did wonder what reason James's father had for drugging Amelia and her husband. Any father who would do that should be in jail, as far as I was concerned.

“Can you learn more?” he asked.

“I can try. There’s also a weekly reimbursement the company is paying Mr. Keyes for a rendezvous—”

“A what?”

“I believe he’s having an affair and charging the company.”