Think, think, think.
“If Detective Knowles asked where Emily is, why didn’t you tell her?”
“Because I don’t trust her,” I say, opening my eyes. “And I know you’re a good cop.”
“You don’t know shit about me, Bianchi.”
“I know more than you think.”
The hard mask that’s been covering O’Rourke’s face cracks, revealing the unmistakable discomfort that comes with guilt. He shifts in his seat.
“She’s a good person, Matt. She doesn’t deserve this.” I lean forward, this time out of desperation instead of anger. “You know why I wanted to talk to you. Judge Gordon is the one who put those detectives on this case. That’s why you weren’t the one assigned to it. You’ve been investigating me for years, you know you should’ve been the top pick.”
“What’s your point?” he asks, shifting again.
“My point is, that other detective wanted to make sure no one took my accusation seriously. They don’twantEmily found. Not yet, at least. How long do you think it’ll be before they find her body?”
O’Rourke huffs. “Are you telling me her uncle plans tokillher?” he asks, clearly unconvinced.
“Kill her or rape her like he did for years before she ran away.”
His face blanches. “What are you talking about?”
“What did he tell you?” I ask, my anger growing again. “That he would take Emily home and convince her to claim that I kidnapped her? What do you and the force plan to do when that doesn’t happen, just ignore the fact that you should be searching for her?”
He holds up his hands and blinks. “First of all, youdidkidnap her. I looked into it myself, and there’s a mound of evidence stacked against you for it. We found the chains in your apartment with her DNA all over them. There are instruments with her blood on them. It gives every indication that you held her prisoner there, and add to that we have no body and an eyewitness to you dragging her off the street, as well as who she is… You have absolutely no chance in court. We don’t need Emily’s testimony to nail you.”
“She would say she wasn’t kidnapped, you fucking idiot. You saw us together. You know her street name and where she lived. You have to know I proposed to her. And you are fully fucking aware I didn’t chain her up in my apartment and beat her.”
“I don’t have to know any of this,” he says, his tone flat.
I scoff and lean back, blinking in disbelief. Before I have a chance to gather the words to express what a piece of shit I think he is, he continues.
“You’re guilty, Blade. Maybe not of Emily’s murder, and maybe if she was found, you’d get off for her kidnapping, but you’re guilty of so many crimes, it makes no difference to me which one sends you to prison. As long as you go.”
“And what about Emily? Is your hatred for me so deep that she doesn’t even matter?”
O’Rourke’s face tics, and he looks away for a few moments. He shifts again in his chair. “From what I’ve heard about her, she can take care of herself. If I had to guess, I’d say she left you and she’s squatting in another city with a new group of degenerates.”
“Or she’s being raped and beaten repeatedly by her uncle.” My chest tightens saying the words, and I clear my throat before resting my elbows on the table. “Where do you think those weapons with her blood on them came from, Matt?”
O’Rourke shakes his head to dismiss the idea, but his confused eyes say he’s considering it. “He’s a Supreme Court Judge. He’s not a fucking psychopath. Wherever you’re getting your information—”
“Myfiancéetold me everything I’m telling you right now. She said he locked her in his basement and abused her for years. He kept her isolated from the world. Why don’t you look intothat? See if she was homeschooled. Look into the aunt. Emily said her aunt was afraid of Gordon as well. Just look into it, Matt, and I guarantee you’ll find something.”
He takes a seat, staring at the wall with his brow furrowed.
I was right about him. He’s a good cop. An idiot, but a good cop.
“I kidnapped her,” I say, getting his attention. “She stole a bag of drugs from me, and I sent someone to grab her. I had no intention of letting her go, and I considered killing her. All of this is true, and all of this you can pin on me.” I swallow. “But I didnothurt her. Iloveher. And I will do anything to keep her safe. Just name your price.”
Matt sighs and rubs his stubble, closing his eyes while thinking. “If what you’re saying is true, you wouldn’t be able to help her. He’s too powerful even for you to touch.”
“Let me worry about that.”
“He’d take her back as soon as—”