Page 75 of His Puppet

“Enough.” All eyes turn to the man nursing his beer. He still doesn’t look up.

Oh, this guy’s the boss.

“Get to the point of your visit, then leave.”

“Yes sir,” Victor says without sarcasm. He’s good at faking respect when he needs to, I’ll give him that.

Victor addresses Ian. “Don Settimo wasn’t pleased with the way you handled yourself last week during your visit. You were not only disrespectful to him, but to his wife, and he’d like to give you a chance to apologize. You have the opportunity tonight, at the Gruco residence, if you’d like to take it.”

The boss scoffs, and finally he turns this way to give Victor his attention. “The deal Settimo is trying to make is ridiculous, and he needed to be told so. My men are not going to be kissing his ass because he sends some henchman to tell them too.”

“I understand, sir,” Victor says with a nod.

“And in regards to thatdealhe proposed, you can tell him the same thing Ian did on my behalf. To go fuck himself.”

“Of course, sir,” Another nod. “I will deliver the message.”

“Don’t be a smartass.” The boss’s lip curls. “Just get the fuck out of my pub.”

Victor gives one last nod to the boss before he focuses on Ian. “It’s an open invitation, just in case you change your mind. It’ll be a friendly dinner, just something to smooth things over and keep the piece.” The boss’s eyes widen, and his head looks like it might explode, but Victor seems well aware of it. He leans toward Ian and pats his shoulder. “Feel free to bring the lovely wife.”

With that, he turns, guiding me with him as we walk from the pub. It could be a while before Ian notices the small bag in his pocket, and Victor’s unhurried gate reflects that as we walk to the car. He opens the door for me, and as soon as I’m inside, I get a rush. A high. Another injection, but this time excitement instead of annoyance.

That shouldn’t have been fun. It shouldn’t have felt like my other jobs… But it did.

Victor climbs in, and I watch the pub carefully as we drive away.

“Do you really think it was necessary to add that part about his wife at the end?” I ask, trying to be serious instead of amused.

“No, but it got me hard.”

I laugh, and Victor looks over at me like he’s amazed. “Really? No tears? Noconcernfor that poor woman’s well-being?” He tsks and looks forward. “Maybe you’re one of us after all.”

“Sheisgonna be okay, right? It didn’t sound like she was dead.”

“She’s not, and she’s fine. Just a little,” Victor waggles his fingers, “off balance, if you know what I mean.” He laughs again. “If Hubby gets her finger on ice in the next half hour, she could probably get it stitched back on. Don Settimo is merciful.”


I relax into the seat and let myself come down from a high I’m a smidge ashamed for having. Victor keeps glancing at me from the driver’s seat.

“You liked that, didn’t you?”


I can feel Victor’s eyes on me, studying me skeptically.

“Yes, you did, you little sadist.”

“I like the rush of knowing I could be caught. I’m not like you, I don’t like hurting people.”

“But it doesn’t keep you from getting a rush.”

I don’t respond to that one, and I try not to let Victor bother me.

“I was wrong. I told Lorenzo we wouldn’t work well together, but I think we’ll get along just fine.”

I don’t correct him, and I don’t know why. Ellison’s image enters my mind, and guilt sets in. This is the same man who hurt my best friend. He probably laughed about it when he was done, just like he’s doing now with a different victim.