Page 64 of His Puppet

I bite my lip and slip my hand into the slit in my dress, retrieving from my stockings the hundred-dollar bill I took from his wallet thirty seconds ago. I lift it between two fingers and waggle my brows.

His eyes widen and he laughs, swiping the bill from my hands and shoving it into his pocket. He leans in to yell in my ear. “You’ve got to stop doing that.”

“Can’t. I’m a klepto.” I laugh. “I think you like that I can fool you. It’s what draws you to me.”

His hands slide up and down my sides as I move my hips. “You’re right about that, but I like it better when you do itforme instead oftome.”

“What am I, your puppet?” I turn my head to look at him and give a teasing smile.

He waggles his brows. “A sexy puppet.”

I smile and turn around, backing my ass into him and letting my body move to the rhythm of the music. Blade’s erection rubs my back, and his hands on my body heat my skin.

This club isn’t new, and neither is this scenario, but it feels like the first night I’ve been here and the first time I’ve felt a man’s touch. It’s the first time I’ve ever felt this wanted, not for what I can give, but for who I am. I can feel myself falling into Blade again, and this time I let go, hoping I won’t regret it later.

My fears bury deep down inside my mind where they’ve been for years, and I feel like it’s going to be okay. As long as I’m in Blade’s arms, it’ll be okay.

We dance until our bodies are sweaty, and I’m tripping in my heels. My head rests on his arm, and our fingers lock while we leave the club, fresh, hot air hitting us when we step outside.

“I had a nice time tonight,” Blade says as we walk down the sidewalk. We’re parked several blocks away at the restaurant we went to before going to the club.

“Perfect fake first date.”

He stops walking and moves my head to look up at him. If I could see myself, I’m sure I’d gag looking at my dreamy, schoolgirl smile.

“What if I don’t want it to be fake?”

My chest swells, and I raise onto my toes to kiss him on the lips. When I pull back, I leave my hand clasping the back of his neck.

“I don’t want it to be fake either.”

“Good.” Caressing my cheek, he smiles mischievously and pushes hair back over my shoulder, his eyes taking me in. “You’re still gonna put out though, right? You’re not one of those three date girls?”

I slap his chest and roll my eyes, then take his hand as we begin down the sidewalk.

There’s a smile on my face that feels permanent, the weightless feeling in my chest seeming to never go away.

But it all stops when I spot the person up ahead, staring at us with contempt while he leans against a tan Impala. My chest tightens, and my smile is swept away.



Emily spots Detective O’Rourke before I do.

Her body tenses just before she pulls away from me, yanking her hand from mine like a teenager caught by her parents.

I frown and glance at Emily to see her with her head down and turned, her hair shielding half her face.

That’s when I look up ahead and see the detective leaning against a car he’s used to tail me for the past week.

My lips lift into a grin.

I put my arm around Emily, ignoring her attempt to shrug me off and steer us closer to the curb. He looks like he’s challenging me to a staring match with the way he glares at me, his arms crossed and disgusted face twisted with hatred.

“Matt,” I say in a friendly tone as we get close. I nod in greeting. “It’s been a while. How have you been?”

Embarrassment and dread emanate from Emily. Her shoulders my arm is wrapped around couldn’t be more tense. Suspicion flares, and jealousy dampens my amusement when I consider the possibility that she may have lied to me about fucking the detective, but I push both to the side. Emily doesn’t seem to feel much shame when she tells me things, so surely she wouldn’t have lied about this.