Page 27 of Forbidden Lust

Haley’s face flushed with a brilliant shade of pink. She was noticeably conflicted as they shook hands. “I wish you the best of luck.”

Ryan seemed to take notice of the sparks between Haley and Chase, arching both eyebrows and pressing his lips together firmly as he witnessed their goodbye. He pulled Allison aside as Haley and Joshua talked privately.

“Is there something I need to know about that guy? Did he already get the job? I don’t want to interview for a taken position,” he said.

Allison shook her head, but she could tell that Ryan was seriously concerned. Given their earlier conversations, she was eager to put him at ease. “Everything’s fine. I think he’s just a little heavy-handed with the charm. If I had to place a bet on it, I’d say he has a bit of a crush on Ms. Shaw.”

Ryan glanced over his shoulder. Joshua and Haley were still conferring. “Okay. Good.”

Allison gently placed her hand on Ryan’s shoulder. “You sure you’re okay?”

He nodded enthusiastically. “Yes. Definitely. I’m just used to guys like that being rewarded for their bad behavior. You know what they say. Nice guys finish last.”

Allison took a moment to consider Ryan’s words. Had he been burned? Was that where that was coming from? If so, she felt his pain. She’d gone for what she wanted, and it had been a miserable fail. “Nice guys finish first with me. As long as they’re qualified and nail the interview, of course.”

Ryan grinned. “I’m glad you recruited me. I really enjoyed our conversation while you were on your trip. I’m so relieved you weren’t hurt in the storm. Everything I saw on the news looked terrifying.”

“It wasn’t fun, that’s for sure.” Except that it had been. It had been amazing. She’d never felt more alive when the sea seemed determined to carry them away, but Zane was resolute about keeping her safe. She’d let herself be vulnerable with him, something she rarely ever did, and in the moment, it had been so richly rewarding. Even with Zane behaving like an ass since then, and trying to discount everything that had happened between them, she knew in her heart that it had all been worth it. Kissing him, touching him, having his hands all over her body. She’d wanted him for so long. How could she have ever said no? Even if she’d known all along what would happen? She couldn’t have.

Allison shook her head and brought herself back to the present. She couldn’t daydream about Zane right now. Not with work on the line. “I have to ask if you’re looking at other positions right now,” she said to Ryan.

“I have a few more interviews over the next several weeks. But I’ll be honest. This is the job I really want.”

There was no greater satisfaction than finding the right candidate for the job, and Allison had a good feeling about Ryan. “Music to my ears. Now, let’s see if Mr. Lowell and Ms. Shaw are ready to get this show on the road.”

Ryan hit it out of the park during his interview, as did Matteo after him. When it was time to say goodbye to Josh and Haley, Allison knew she’d done an amazing job.

“Very impressive, Ms. Randall,” Joshua said, sitting back in his chair. “Thank you for going the extra mile in making today happen.”

“Literally,” Haley added. “She just flew back from the Bahamas last night.”

“I’ll do whatever it takes to make my clients happy.” Allison collected her papers into a neat stack. “Do you have a sense of the timeline for the hire?”

“I’m eager to get the new CEO in as soon as possible. What are your thoughts as far as the timing for second interviews?”

“It’ll depend on the candidates’ schedules and yours, of course, but Haley and I can coordinate. I do recommend you think about it for at least a week. Spend some time with the files and background info I provided. In my experience, it’s best to not rush with a decision like this.”

Joshua nodded, seeming to consider all she said. “I suppose you’re right. I’m just ready to move forward.”

Allison couldn’t help but think of the subtext—he was eager to move on with his life. He had love and happiness ahead, and he didn’t want to wait. “Of course. I understand.”

“Will you be able to stay in Falling Brook for a few weeks? It would be great if I knew I could call on you to walk us through this process. The phone is one thing, but there’s no substitute for having someone on hand.”

Allison knew this was her opening for driving home the deal she wanted to make. “It depends on whether or not I’m on retainer. I have a partner out in Los Angeles and other clients who also expect my time.”

“I’ll pay triple your normal retainer for the next month.” Joshua hadn’t hesitated to up the ante. “That should give us enough time to make a hire for this position.”

Allison swallowed hard. Three times her normal rate was certainly a great starting point. “And beyond that?”

“The new CEO will ultimately make the call as to whether we put you on permanent retainer. But I will certainly have a say in it, and, as far as I’m concerned, you have the job.”

Goose bumps raced over the surface of Allison’s skin. Any sliver of victory in business felt good, and Kianna was going to flip out when she got the good news. Even so, there was a downside. A month in Falling Brook would make it impossible to stay away from Zane. And that meant she had to come clean with him about working with Black Crescent. “Fantastic. I’m staying with my brother here in Falling Brook, working out of his house. I can be on-site anytime you need me. Just call.”

“You can expect to hear from me.”

Allison strode out of the meeting, feeling as though she was walking on a cloud. She’d nailed it, in every sense of the term. She called Kianna and told her everything as soon as she got in the car.

“You are not only a badass, you’re a rock star,” Kianna said.