“Unless…” His frantic motions stopped and he stared at me. “Unless this is just a test…” His eyes narrowed. “It is, isn’t it? You’re testing me. Seeing how I react…”
My heart leaped to my throat. “Why would I test you, Uncle?”
“No, no, no, youaretesting me.” He pointed a finger accusingly at my face. “You were never good at lying, Alyosha. Elia Tarallo is not in New York; she’s right here in Chicago. Has she been poisoning your ear with her lies?”
In that moment, he sounded just like my father…Let’s fly away together, Aleks. Just you and me,the ghost whispered again.
“No, Uncle, she has not,” I said. “But perhaps you’d like to explain what lies you think Elia is poisoning my ear with?”
“The lie that I might be working against you,” he replied. “Now this is all starting to make sense. Why you’ve continued to treat me like an enemy ever since the wedding. Why you chose to meet here, of all places.”
He stared at me, his incredulity almost believable. “What would you suspect me of?” He spread his hands wide. “Do you imagine me to have been planning behind your back? Or has she somehow convinced you thatIkilled your father? He was my brother, Alyosha, my flesh and blood! What else has that viper said to you?”
How funny, Uncle—you call her a viper now, after I said it wasyouwho put her in my bed…
“Alyosha…” he continued. “Alyosha, you need to trust me. We must be united as a family. All of us! Perhaps if the two of you came to dinner. Everything can be explained and questions answered.”
Anger flared. There was no way in hell I was about to let him anywhere near Elia. “No.”
His eyes suddenly turned cold before the blank expression settled back on his face. “What did you say to me?”
“I said no, Mikhail Yevgenievich.” I stepped closer to him, feeling a savage satisfaction surging when he stepped back. “I am still your pakhan, and this is an order: you will speak no more of my wife, and you will not come close to my wife. Is that understood?”
“Alyosha…” he started, hands still clenching and unclenching.
“I asked once. I will not ask again. Is that understood?”
Finally, he unclenched his hands and breathed out. His eyes closed and he nodded. “It is understood, Aleksey Fyodorovich. But I strongly advise that you make something clear to her as well. Let her know that if she even so much asthinksabout betraying you, I will not hesitate to teach her a sharp lesson.”
My eye twitched at that familiar phrase so loved by my father. He’d taughtmea sharp lesson once. And the ghost had haunted me ever since.
“Is that a threat, Uncle?”
“Only if she makes it one,” he said. “Give your wife my regards. I have other matters that require my attention.”
Without another word, he turned around and walked away, each step faster than the last. Without sparing him a second glance, I walked away as well—wanting nothing more than to lay my eyes on my wife and get her the fuck out of Chicago as fast as I could.
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Elia was in the kitchen when I walked into the penthouse and tossed my jacket aside. Her eyes followed my every movement as I took a drink from the bar, throwing it back to let the liquid burn down my throat.
“Well?” she asked, leaning against the island.
“He lied the entire time,” I answered. “The entire fucking time!”
I didn’t even notice she had approached me until her hand landed on my arm, halting me from pouring another drink. “It’s going to be okay, Aleksey. We will figure it out.”
Blowing out a breath, I looked at her. “You are going to New York tomorrow.” The words tasted bitter on my tongue, but I knew I had to do it. Uncle Misha was too dangerous. I needed her somewhere where she could be protected.
I needed her to be safe more than ever.
Her eyes widened. “What?”
“You are going back to New York,” I repeated. “I need you out of Chicago for a little while, until I can come get you.”
She removed her hand from my arm and crossed her arms over her chest. “No.”