Meryn was watching certain clips over and over again. She then brought up a second set of clips and watched those a few times.

“What are you looking for?” she asked.


Zoe watched. “I don’t see Gage, Meryn.”

“Not Gage, the cameras.”

Zoe watched the clips over and over and over again. But she didn’t see what Meryn was tracking.

Meryn sat back. “There!” she exclaimed, pointing.

Behind them, the large group of men quieted.

“There, there and there.”

Meryn brought up three different camera angles.

Aiden walked over. “Babe?”

Kendrick moved beside Zoe, so he stood behind Meryn and had a clear view of her laptop.

She played the clips again and looked back at Aiden and Kendrick as if expecting praise, only to be greeted with confused expressions.

She scowled. “This is why I am smarter than you, by the way.”

Aiden nodded. “I never doubted that, baby.”

She pointed to the screen. “Zoe suggested I look at the camera footage.”

Aiden nodded. “But in the clips you’re playing, I don’t see the men.”

Meryn exhaled and kept going. “The first clip is transport tunnel Level Five, the second is the tunnel Level Three, and the last one is the tunnel Level Two.” She replayed them. “The cameras shook a tiny bit on the first, more on the second, and the most on the third. Nothing was felt up here on Level Six.”

What they were seeing was the stronger vibrations from the blast affecting the cameras differently based on proximity.

Aiden pointed to the screen. “Replay the last one.”

She clicked her mouse.

Aiden turned to Magnus and Sebastian. “Did either of you feel anything on Level One?”

Magnus shook his head. “Sebastian and I were up here for a weekly meeting with the wolves.”

Aiden looked around. “Was anyone on Level One?”

The ones closest to Magnus shook their heads.

Meryn turned to Avery. “You can be anything, right?”

Avery looked around nervously. “What do you mean?”

Meryn rolled her eyes. “You know I wouldn’t out you like this unless it was an emergency.” She bopped shoulders with him. “Come on, Avery, your last name is Therian. I looked it up. If you wanted it to be a secret, you should have changed your name.”

Warrick’s brows disappeared into his hairline. “What is she talking about?”

Avery remained quiet.