A tall man came up to stand behind Kendrick and slapped him on the back. “We were already going to be showing them defensive magic and how to set early detection spells.”

Kendrick sat back, sighing. “Thane, for the unit warriors to learn such things, I understand and agree with it completely, but the children? They should be planting gardens, reading books, and having tea.”

“That doesn’t sound very efficient,” Zoe said, scrunching up her nose.

“Or useful,” Neil added.

“How does planting a garden help you get powerful,” Nigel asked.

Kendrick cocked a brow. “And it’s power you want?”

Nigel, Neil, Zoe, and Kincaid all nodded emphatically.

Kendrick looked taken aback at their response.

Thane turned their way. “Tell him why,” he said softly.

“To be safe,” Zoe responded.

“To protect others,” Nigel added.

“To carve out our own way,” Neil answered.

Kincaid nodded. “To protect my unit brothers and our people.”

“Kendrick, these kids are a product of their generation. They’ve grown up in uncertain times and within a system where results are everything. They have no use for gardens.”

Kendrick’s expression turned tragic. “Then we have failed them more than I realized.”

Neil snorted and shrugged. “I’ll take tracking ferals and cyber mayhem over tea parties any day.”

Kincaid laughed out loud. “It does sound like we’re having more fun when you put it that way, doesn’t it.”

Zoe walked over and placed a hand on Kendrick’s arm. “Maybe we’re exactly as we are and where we are because that’s how it’s supposed to be.”

“There is something to be said for a generation of witches that value protecting others over money and assignment placements, Kendrick. Don’t sell yourself or them short,” the queen admonished gently.

Pip looked at Kendrick. “Will you be serving snacks? Maybe, some tea?”

Zoe recognized that Pip was trying to soothe Kendrick, and her heart melted. He was so cute! “Tea would help keep us focused,” she said.

“And we’ll be doing lots and lots of reading,” Nigel added, catching on.

Kendrick looked around the room. A slight sheen glinted from his eyes. “I suppose you’ll want to tour the gardens here in Éire Danu too,” he asked, his mouth quirked up in a smile.

“When in Rome and all that jazz,” Meryn answered.

“Kendrick Ashwood, consider yourself truly blessed,” the queen said as she lifted her teacup to her lips.

“Blessings won’t help them during lessons. I will make sure they learn,” he grumbled good-naturedly.

Zoe turned to the queen and gave a small curtsey. “I apologize for disrupting your lunch,” she said, realizing that there was still food on the table.

The queen smiled. “It was a delightful interruption, my dear. Please, sit and join us. We had only just started when you arrived.”

“We see you’re in good hands, Zoe, though, I hope you’ll swing by the pub later,” Ramsey said as he and Aeson bowed to make their exit.

She looked to Aiden. “May I?”