Ame’s face twisted as he sobbed silently. Yuki held her hand so tightly that it bordered on painful, but she wouldn’t let go. Without saying a word, she opened her arms, and both boys flung themselves at her, burying their faces in her neck and chest. It seemed as if they were purging themselves of the tears they had been too afraid to shed before.

“Hahaue!” Yuki wailed.

She sat and cuddled each boy on either side of her body. In that moment, she knew she would die for them. More than that, she would kill for them. “Shush, you’re home now.”

Gage sat down in Ame’s empty seat. “Do I get a special name, too?” he asked.

Yuki turned, tears trailing down his face. “Chichiue!” He threw himself at Gage, who caught him easily.

Zoe heard sniffling and thought it might be Brie, but was shocked to see half the guys rubbing at their eyes. “Ame, Yuki, you have a mother and father now, but you also have many older brothers,” she said, sitting back, so she looked Ame in the eyes. Gently she wiped his tears. “You will never be alone again,” she promised. “I swear to all the gods that from this moment forth, I will be a mother to you, Ame, and to you, Yuki. You will want for nothing, and I will defend you til my dying breath.”

Ame and Yuki stared at her in shock.

“I swear to all the gods that from this moment forth, I will be a father to you, Ame, and to you, Yuki. You will want for nothing, and I will defend you til my dying breath.”

Ame gave a ragged exhale and collapsed against her, snuggling up in her lap. Yuki did the same for Gage. It was as if hearing those words had finally allowed them to let go.

Aeson stood. “We will be a family, so do I swear.”

“So, do we swear,” the men echoed.

Zoe met Gage’s eye. He looked as surprised as she felt. The men had taken on their oath. “Thank you,” she whispered.

Aeson sniffed as if simply clearing his nose. “It’s nothing,” he refuted, absently straightening his place setting.

Govannon stepped forward from where he had been listening by the kitchen. “Let’s get these lil guys fed.” He walked over and set a tray down on the table to pass out bowls and plates of food.

Ame and Yuki refused to unbury their heads. Finally, she gently spun Ame in her lap, so he was facing the table. She sighed when she saw the warrior size bowl of cereal. “Is this half the box?”

Ame peeked down and began to giggle.

Hearing his brother, Yuki turned around on his own to grin down at his breakfast.

Govannon shrugged. “I forgot.”

“Okay, boys, first rule, try not to take advantage of your older brothers… too much,” she said, winking at them.

“Hai,hahaue,” they responded brightly.

Gage sighed. “We’re in trouble. I don’t think we’ll be able to deny them anything.”

“Oh, Gage,” she chided.

“Look how adorable they are!” he said, pointing to the boys who were shoveling in the cereal, so their small cheeks were puffed out like chipmunks.

“I see what you mean.”

“You can leave them here if you have work to do,” Aeson offered.

Gage scowled. “Quit trying to monopolize my sons.”

Yuki and Ame sat up straighter, having been claimed by Gage.

“You have drills,” Balder reminded him.

“And Aiden said he was willing to help train Yuki. Maybe he should just come with me,” Gage countered.

“If Ame is comfortable with it, he can come with me while I check the spell centers. It will be boring, quiet work, but you’re welcome to come along. Or you can stay here, maybe learn the kitchen,” she suggested.