
They made it as far as the foyer when the doorbell rang. Gage looked at Aeson and Nerius. “Did the guys forget their keys?”

Aeson opened the door and stepped back, looking surprised. He turned to Gage and pointed. “It’s for you.”

Gage stepped around Aeson to stand in the doorway and came to a stuttering halt. “Mother?”

Tierla Fabre looked around. “Well? Did you happen to leave your manners in Noctem Falls, young man?”

Gage moved back, accidentally stepping on Aeson’s foot. “My apologies, mother, it has been a most trying evening. Will you not please come in?”

She nodded once and stepped inside.

Ari took his mother’s hand and kissed it. “Welcome to the warrior’s villa Lady Fabre…”

She held up her hand. “I am going by my maiden name now. It is Tierla LeBeau.”

Ari placed his hand over his heart. “A thousand apologies, sweet lady. If you’ll allow Kincaid to escort you to the dining hall, we’ll be with you shortly. Unfortunately, you caught us just as we were about to go into a meeting.”

Tierla looked up at Ari. “A meeting concerning my Gage.” It wasn’t a question.

“In a manner of speaking.”

“Then I will join you,” she advised, smoothing out her skirts.

“Mother, I…”

His mother stepped forward and placed a hand on his cheek. “You are pinched and pale. I have never seen you looking so stressed and wan. I will be sitting in on this meeting, and whatever is not covered, you will be apprising me of later.”

“Not to sound inappropriate, but I am finding this feisty side of you a welcome change,” Nerius said, grinning.

His mother blushed slightly. “I find it refreshing as well. Speaking my mind when I wish has become somewhat addicting.”

Gage turned to Ari, who shrugged. “Mother will fill her in later anyway.”

Gage sighed. He had forgotten that his sweet mother would be staying with the lionesses. “Very well, but please keep in mind, mother, that both Zoe and I are fine.”

His mother’s expression turned stoic. “I see.” She took Gage’s elbow. “Then I suggest we start this meeting so I can figure out the best way to help.”

Gage and Ari took turns, slowly going over what had been going on in the city for the past few weeks. Whenever they got to a point that needed clarifying, his mother had them stop so she could ask questions. In hindsight, he realized he should have done this for his sweet Zoe.

His mother turned to him, her anger visibly simmering just below the surface. “Let me get this straight. Karl Brugmansia and Andrei Jessamine are trying to claim that Zoe has mated to Andrei due to a piece of paper?”

Kincaid nodded. “It has an affixed official seal, and the queen has tested its validity. It was Zoe’s signature.”


The men looked around as if unsure how to answer.

“Lady LeBeau, it does lend a bit of credence to their story,” Ari explained.

“Young man, I care not if it is valid or forged. I was ‘mated’ for centuries to Gage’s father and bore him a son, yet, I left as soon as I realized I had a choice, as he was not my ‘true’ mate. Do you not think that carries more weight and significance than a piece of dubious paper?”

Ari sat back, looking astounded. “How is it our women pick up on things we don’t?”

Gage turned to his unit leader. “That is what the queen was referring to when she said she would be reaching out to Magnus.”

Smiling, Tierla rose, causing each man to stand. She smoothed out her skirts again. “I will take my leave. As much as I wish to meet my new daughter and defacto grandsons, I must confer with Queen Aleksandra immediately. I can offer a unique perspective to this entire debacle. With the queen’s backing, I feel like we can support Prince Magnus’ desire to declare all arranged matings to be illegal. That would render their entire argument moot.”