“There, there, Aeson, we were already planning on going to Storm Keep to take care of those bastards,” Ramsey said soothingly.

“Locked?” Nigel and Neil said in unison, with clenched jaws.

She looked down at their shoes. “They said it was for my own good, given my affliction.”

“Affliction?” a melodious voice asked.

She turned to see that the queen had stood and was now at her side. “Yes, Your Majesty, I, um, I have the tendency to set things on fire when I lose control of myself.”

“Kickass,” a small female said, looking impressed.

“Meryn, we have to take care of her,” Neil pleaded.

“She’s one of our bestest friends. She can’t go back to Storm Keep if they are locking her up!” Nigel protested.

The one that had proclaimed her to be ‘kickass’ nodded. “Of course. Besides, with that red hair, I’m surprised she isn’t a cousin or something.”

Zoe beamed at her. “Actually, my red hair comes from the Appleblossom family. We’re said to be descended from the first cousin of the last Stormhart king,” she announced proudly. “Appleblossoms always produce strong witches.”

Meryn looked to Kendrick. “Isn’t that interesting, Kendrick? Those descended from the Stormharts are always strong witches. Who woulda thunk it?”

“Quiet, Menace,” Kendrick growled.

Neil looked over to Aeson. “When are you leaving?”

Aeson nodded approvingly. “As soon as I can get some leave approved by Ari,” he looked around. “Where is he anyway? I thought the Tau Unit practically lived in the palace now.”

“They’ll be here shortly. After that portal closed, Ari and Brie stayed behind to show some of the Old Guard how to use the goggles, and Gage and Priest are disposing of the feral,” replied one of the largest men Zoe had ever seen. He wasn’t just tall. He was also widely built. When the man stood and headed in her direction, she took a step back and collided with Neil, who smiled and leaned down. “That’s the Unit Commander, Aiden McKenzie. He’s Meryn’s mate and kinda our adopted brother now,” he whispered.

Seeing that his height made her nervous, he dropped down, so he was kneeling down on one knee. “Zoe, isn’t it? The beautiful baby girl with emerald-colored eyes and a riot of red curls.” He smiled gently up at her.

She frowned. “Have we met?”

He shook his head. “No, but I have heard all about you from your brother.”

She felt her eyes widen. Aiden McKenzie, the Unit Commander, was also the unit leader of Alpha, her brother’s old unit. “You’re Mikel’s Aiden, his unit leader,” she whispered, covering her mouth with both hands.

He reached up and took her hands. “It’s wonderful to finally meet you. I don’t know if your brother ever told you this, but he had such a hard time picking yourathair.”

She nodded. She had heard that her whole life. Her brother had met so many amazing men in his travels he couldn’t choose just one. “He couldn’t pick one, so I ended up with none.”

Aiden frowned. “That’s half true. You’re right that he couldn’t choose one, but wrong that you ended up with none. He chose all of the Alpha Unit warriors to become yourathair.” Aiden stood smiling. “When he was told that wasn’t the way things were done, he simply said…”

“Deal with it,” she said, finishing his sentence. She knew her brother’s stubbornness all too well.

Aiden chuckled. “Mikel Appleblossom is famous for doing things his own way. So, you see, you have many unofficialathairs. We thought he would bring you to visit, when you came of age, to introduce us, but when that didn’t happen, we assumed it was because he had changed his mind.”

Another fae walked up to stand beside Aiden. “My name is Darian Vi’Alina. I am also one of your unofficialathairs, Zoe. I was hoping that I’d be able to convince Mikel to bring you to visit after he was done investigating the lights. It’s such an amazing surprise to meet you instead.” Still smiling, he looked over to Aeson. “Room for one more?”

“Two,” Aiden corrected.

“I don’t understand, why?” Zoe asked. For the second time in one day, she felt overwhelmed by her own emotions. Seconds later, she was terrified to feel sparks forming around her. Squeezing her eyes closed, she tensed her entire body, trying to shut down her magic.

No, no, no, no! Not now, not them, please don’t hurt them!She prayed to anyone listening.

She felt a hand on her head, and the sparks died away and the heat in her body faded. Opening her eyes, she looked up to see Kendrick’s concerned expression. “Are you okay, Zo?” he asked, gently steering her to one of the seats. Moments later, a glass of cold water was pressed into her hands. “Why was your magic threatening to break free?” he asked, as everyone sat back down.

She gulped down the ice water gratefully. “It’s my affliction,” she admitted.