Gage stared. What had they all missed?

Chapter Twelve

Cord and Ryuu were there immediately taking charge of the situation as Kendrick and Thane cast spells to deal with the mess. Zoe watched as Aiden unraveled when faced with his mate’s distress. She shook her head. The man could face down rampaging ferals, but the second something was wrong with his mate, he went to pieces. Once again, she felt a cool hand as Ame rested his palm on her arm. She looked over, and both Ame and Yuki were silently giving her their support.

“Ryuu!” Aiden yelled.

“She is doing better,” Ryuu assured him. “It was much worse a few minutes ago.”

Aiden held Meryn close. “Why didn’t you say something?”

Meryn closed her eyes. “Because Auntie was doing politics.”

“I do not care if I am holding a grand ball with every elder present. You tell me when you are ill, young lady,” the queen admonished.

“Aleksandra, she did the right thing,” Kendrick countered. “It was very wise for her to hide her reaction. It gives us time.”

The queen seemed taken aback at Kendrick’s use of her name. It made Zoe second-guess exactly how powerful the archivist was. Not many were on the first name basis with the queen of the fae.

The queen looked from Kendrick to Thane. “Time for what?”

“Time to remove Karl from his position.” Kendrick clenched his jaw. “Tell her what you saw, Meryn.”

Meryn shuddered. “Blood. Rivers of blood, and this time I heard stuff. Screams. Constant screams. I could smell it,” she said, gagging.

“Gods, Meryn,” Aiden wrapped his entire upper body around his mate as if to shield her from the world.

“Screw removing him from his position. He hurt Meryn. He needs to die,” Neil snarled.

“Can you kill someone for inadvertently causing a reaction?” Priest wondered out loud.

When Pip, Nigel, Neil, Aiden, Thane, and Brennus turned in his direction, the shifter held up his hands. “Just asking.”

Kendrick sighed. “Priest is right. We have no proof that what Meryn saw meant anything. She does tend to deal in metaphors.” He looked back to Thane, who nodded.

The witch turned to his brothers. “Law, Justice, get us what we need.”

Both men nodded and dropped a kiss on Meryn’s forehead as they walked out the door.

Pip scooted closer to where Meryn was ensconced. “Aiden, I am in charge of cuddles,” he said, reaching his arms up.

Aiden blinked down at Pip, then, sighing, sat Meryn in the chair next to him. Pip wrapped his arms around Meryn and snuggled her close.

Meryn smiled. “He really is the best at cuddles. I don’t mind them at all from him.”

Nigel exchanged glances with Neil, who nodded.

“No,” Kendrick said.

Both boys looked at him, distressed. “But…” Neil started.

“No, boys. Let me handle this.”

“But…” Nigel said.

“But what exactly?” Kendrick asked.

“You don’t love her like we do!” Neil exploded.