“That is true. But Lady Zoe’s brother named all of the Alpha Unit to be herathairs, including my son.”

“Your Majesty, surely you jest. One cannot make an entire unitathairs. It isn’t done,” Karl refuted.

The queen’s eyes narrowed. “Many things are being done of late that have never been done before.”

He flinched, and she continued.

“In these troubled times, I do not see any reason to deny a young lady of multiple protectors.”

Zoe looked around the table. In addition to the Ashleigh brothers and Kendrick, Aiden and Darian seemed to be hanging on to their anger by a thread.

“If you feel that strongly about the matter, we can, of course, arrange future visits with Lady Zoe, but for now, she is needed back in Storm Keep to perform her duties for the Fire Temple,” he said firmly.

The queen frowned. “Are you demanding I relinquish one of my unit warriors as well? Only the Unit Commander can reassign warriors,” she turned to Aiden. “Commander, are you willing to reassign Gage Fabre to Storm Keep?”

“No, he is needed here in Éire Danu. We couldn’t possibly arrange for a replacement on such short notice,” Aiden said, glaring at Karl.

If Zoe hadn’t met Aiden previously and seen his softer side, his visage alone would have her wanting to turn tail and run. She hid a smile. It looked like Karl was equally affected.

Karl spread his hands. “I am confused, Your Majesty. Why would I be taking one of your unit warriors? I would never presume to tell the Unit Commander what to do.” He met Aiden’s eyes. “Overstepping and inserting authority where it doesn’t belong can cause quite a bit of strife.”

Aiden’s nostrils flared at Karl’s clever dig, and a small wave of power began to emanate from his side of the table. “Lady Zoe is mated to Gage Fabre. By forcing her to return to Storm Keep, you would either be separating her from her mate or pulling Gage from his duties to accompany her. As the queen previously stated, at this time, she cannot grant your request. Zoe stays here,” Aiden growled.

Karl straightened. “Zoe cannot be mated to Gage Fabre as she is already mated to Andrei Jessamine.”


Gage felt his fangs punch through his gums as he stood and flew toward the ones trying to take his mate from him. Only his commander was quick enough to intercept him. He thrashed against the larger man. “How dare he!” Gage roared.

“Stand down, Gage! That is an order,” Aiden yelled.

It took everything in him to calm himself, and only when his breathing returned to normal did Aiden release him from the bear hug that had held him captive. He looked up at his commander, and with Aiden’s back to Karl and Andrei, Aiden mouthed the words, ‘trust us’.

He nodded, then looked past Aiden to Karl and bared his fangs. “You will take her from me over your dead body.”

“Isn’t that supposed to be over ‘my dead body’” Pip asked quietly.

Amelia grinned and leaned down. “I think he said it right.”

Pip thought it over a moment, then smiled. “Oh. I get it.”

Karl reached into his robes and handed Portia a scroll. “One month ago, after Zoe came of age, she mated Andrei Jessamine and moved into the Fire Temple to assume her duties. As her mate, he was reassigned to the Fire Temple to assist her in her day-to-day activities.”

Portia took the scroll, unrolled it, and read. When she paled, Gage got a sinking feeling in his stomach. Without a word, Portia handed it to her queen.

The queen looked it over, then, with her hand bathed in blazing, golden light, she waved it over the scroll. Whatever she saw or didn’t see had her frowning. “It is authentic. This is Zoe’s signature.”

Zoe jumped to her feet. “I would have never mated him! Never!”

The queen’s expression softened. “It is your signature.”

Zoe’s hand went to her midsection. “He must have slipped it in my paperwork when I wasn’t looking to get it signed.” She shook her head. “I read everything I sign. I would have never signed that.”

“Be that as it may, that document is legal and binding,” Karl said, pointing to the scroll.

“Come along, Zoe, it’s time to return home,” Andrei said, smiling and holding out his hand.

Without conscious thought, Gage raked his claws over the man’s arm.