Kendrick’s mouth worked like a fish. “An anchor. A secondary witch in a magical working used to keep the primary witch safe and to lessen the load on whatever spell you’re casting.”

She struggled to sit up so she could participate in the conversation properly. “I’ve never used a second before.”

Kendrick looked to Thane and pointed at her. “She’s never used a second!”

Thane looked unsurprised. “I keep telling you that you should have left your ivory tower sooner, librarian. Justice, Law, and I have been combating this kind of negligence for years.”

“I’ve sent spells,” Kendrick began.

Thane nodded, then cut him off. “And how useful were they truly considering,” he indicated to her.

Kendrick began muttering to himself, with Thane chiming in, so she decided to ignore them both by turning to the queen. “Good day, Your Majesty,” she said brightly.

The queen chuckled. “And good day to you, Lady Zoe. Besides major mental and emotional trauma, how has your day been?”

“Fairly productive. My mate spoiled me with an entirely new wardrobe and even ran to get me brownies when I was upset.”

Brennus smiled at her. “Sounds like a good remedy to me.”

Zoe offered her hand to Gage, who helped her stand and escorted her to the table, where they both sat. Behind them, Kendrick and Thane were still bickering as Neil watched on, looking fascinated.

Zoe looked around for a coffee bar similar to what she’d seen at the warrior villa. Instantly Cord was at her side. “What can I get you, Lady Zoe?”

“Do you have coffee? I tried some this morning, and I have to confess, it was amazing.”

He smiled and turned to Izzy. “Not only do we have coffee, but thanks to our Izzy, we have a full-service espresso bar.”

“I haven’t tried espresso yet.”

Izzy tapped her lips. “You said you liked chocolate, right?”

“Oh my, yes.”

Izzy turned to Cord. “I’d suggest a double shot served with a top layer of cream, drizzled with chocolate.”

Cord inclined his head. “I’ll get that started.”

“I’m not sure what that is, but it sounds heavenly,” Zoe confessed.

“Trust in Izzy. She’s our Coffee Goddess,” Meryn said.

Gage looked to Izzy. “Could I ask a favor?”

Izzy looked confused. “Sure, I’ll help if I can.”

Gage sighed in relief. “The owner of the Brick Oven has been trying to get espresso machines in his bakery for quite some time. Do you think you could help?”

Izzy’s eyes lit up, and she spun to face Meryn. “A new place of worship.”

“All hail Izzy, Coffee Goddess of Merytopia.”

Beside Meryn, Nigel and Pip folded their hands at their chests, closed their eyes, and intoned. “Amen.”

Meryn eyed Zoe. “That’s the place with the brownies, right?”

“Yes, and apple fritters. Oh! And I tried this flakey layered honey creation he sent over. It literally melted in my mouth.”

“Baklava? He freaking makes Baklava!” Meryn demanded, practically bouncing in her chair.