She looked around. “Did you hide it?”

Rolling his eyes, he reached under the bed and pulled out a long white box. “According to Baba, this one is considered a classic. Self-cleaning and fire-proof,” he grinned, then continued. “The collar is higher than most but not up to the ears like your temple robes. It’s not belted but hangs in a straight line. I felt like it’d be more comfortable.”

She opened the box and gasped. “Gage, this is…” she ran her fingers over the fabric. Woven into the ombre of orange and burgundy material were golden threads that shimmered like silk.

“I normally don’t wear much red because of my hair.”

“Why? I think it would complement you perfectly.”

“Really?” She got to her knees and hugged him. “Where can I get dressed?”

The tips of his ears turned pink. “If you don’t wish to change in front of me, the bathroom is toward the door and to the left.”

She sat back and realized she wasn’t the only one who was muddling their way through this mating. “I want to surprise you with the final effect. Besides, I need to pee.”

Laughing, he helped her to stand. Clutching the new robes to her, she hurried to the bathroom, dying to see how it would look. After taking care of her morning needs, she pulled the robe on. After a moment, the underthings slid into place, and the waist narrowed to give her some shape.

Looking in the mirror, she was astounded to see that Gage had been right. The colors brought out the shine in her hair and the green of her eyes. She looked like a walking, breathing flame.

She opened the door and found that he had been pacing in front of it, waiting for her. When he saw her, he stopped, and his mouth dropped. “Gods, Zo, you look ethereal.”

She twirled. “Really? I love these colors! I would never have picked them for myself, so I’m really grateful that you decided to surprise me.”

He bowed, then straightened before offering her his elbow. “When I catch my breath, I’ll escort you downstairs so you can stun my brothers.”

Laughing, she took his arm, and he walked them downstairs.

Gage cleared his throat when they entered the dining hall, and almost in unison, the men turned, and their mouths fell open the way Gage’s had. Chairs scraped on the floor as the men hurried to stand.

“Lady Zoe, you look….” Leon ran out of words.

“She looks like a fire elemental come to life,” Carson whispered, also staring.

“Good morning, gentlemen. Is there coffee? I’d like to try some,” she asked as Gage pulled out her chair and helped her to sit. Once she was settled, he sat beside her.

Aeson and Leon turned and practically ran into one another in an effort to get to the coffee bar.

“You pour. I’ll get fresh cream,” Leon said.

Aeson nodded and went to the bar to pull a hot cup for her. With cup and saucer in hand, he carefully placed it before her. Moments later, Leon returned with a small pitcher.

Zoe looked down at the swirling dark brown liquid. “What do I do with it?”

Ramsey pointed to the sugar bowl, then the small pitcher. “Personally, I like two to three teaspoons of sugar and then a bit of cream. I would start with less, then add to your liking.”

Zoe went with his suggestion and added the sugar and a splash of cream. She took a sip and frowned. “People like this?”

“Too bitter?” Gage asked.

She nodded, reaching for more sugar.

Ramsey placed a hand over the bowl. “Is it too bitter, or is it the bite afterward?”

“The bite.”

“Add more cream. There’s an inherent sweetness to milk, so that may be enough without making it too sweet,” he explained.

She added some cream, then stirred. Looking up to Ramsey, he held up pinched fingers. “Maybe a tiny bit more.”