Aeson looked like a proud father. “You’re actually wanting to help someone,” he pretended to wipe a tear.

“Ow!” Ramsey exclaimed as he began to hop around, holding his foot.

Gage straightened his clothes and resumed his place at her side. “Zoe, as you may have guessed, these idiots are my unit brothers.” Though he called them idiots, his voice was full of warmth and affection.

“He broke my foot!” Ramsey whined.

“I did not. Stop being such a drama queen Ramsey. You’re making Ari look bad,” Gage chided.

Zoe looked around and realized they really were like brothers. “You have a much bigger family than I do, and I can claim most of the Fire Temple as relatives.”

Aeson wasn’t the only one that flushed at her observation.

“Did you all come here just to torture me?” Gage asked.

“Of course not. We’re here to see our newest baby,” Aeson explained, pointing to Zoe.

Gage frowned. “You didn’t do this with Brie.”

Aeson rolled his eyes. “Of course not. Brie is a warrior in her own right and, according to human aging, much older than Zoe.”

As Gage went back and forth with Aeson, she lifted the pint to her lips and took a healthy sip. At first, the bitterness threatened to overwhelm her, but then, a surprising nutty flavor took over. “Oh my, that’s really good.” She took a few more gulps and was mortified when a small burp escaped.

Ramsey laughed. “That’s the best way to drink Dav’s pints. Just knock it back,” he said.

She nodded, then lifted the drink once more, this time not stopping until it was empty. A warmth started in her stomach and spread through her midsection, causing her to smile. “This is nice.”

“What did you tell her?” Gage demanded.

Ramsey frowned. “To kill it.”

Gage’s eyes bugged. “I think that is the first alcohol she’s ever had.”

“I quite like this.” Sighing heavily, she went to lean back but forgot she was on a bar stool.

Laughing, Pip caught her. “Come on. You can sit with us.” He escorted her to the table he shared with Meryn.

“Can I have another?” she asked.

Meryn shrugged. “I don’t see why not.”

“Dav!” Neil and Nigel called out.

“Aye, aye, I’m right here,” he said, carrying out a large tray of food. Seeing that Zoe was now at a table, he changed direction and headed their way.

“Don’t eat too much,” Aeson advised. “We’re planning a welcome party for you.”

“Snack party?” Priest asked.

Aeson shook his head. “Tapas party.”

Gage sat down next to her and took her hand. “Feeling okay?”

“I feel great. What’s tapas?” she asked.

Gage eyed his warrior brothers, then smiled. “Tapas are smaller portion meals, mostly comprised of appetizers. It’s a perfect way to introduce someone to a multitude of different foods without filling up.”

Zoe hopped up and hugged Aeson. “You’re doing this for me?” she asked, then switched to Leon. She didn’t stop until each one got their own hug, and when she was done, they were blushing terribly.