She wiped her tears. “I know, I’ve just missed you so much.”

“I know. Now, you help out if you want to, but you don’t have to. Aiden will take good care of you in my stead. He’s sort of yourathair,” he said, stumbling over the word.

She laughed. “I know, he told me to help explain why he wanted to join Aeson and Ramsey in going to beat up the council.”

Mikel exhaled, then gave a short laugh. “Thank the gods for my commander. Don’t forget you are an Appleblossom. You have access to our accounts, so you aren’t without means.”

“The council took control of the accounts after you left since I wasn’t of age,” she explained.

“They can’t do that,” Mikel exploded. “Those accounts and funds are tied to the entire estate.”

“Most of our relatives were assigned out to other houses and out-of-state companies. There wasn’t anyone to protest.”

“Gods above, you really were alone, weren’t you? I am so sorry, baby. If I had thought for a moment they would go that far. I never would have left.”

“I know.”

Mikel took a steadying breath. “I love you Zo, I’m coming home as soon as I can. Can you pass the phone to Aiden again?”

“I love you too, and please hurry.” Looking up, she passed the phone to Cord, who walked it back over to Aiden.

Aiden, frowning fiercely, took the phone. “I heard. You don’t even have to ask. We’ll wait for you to act. Just get your ass back here. No one fucks with a warrior’s family and walks away unscathed.”

Zoe felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Her brother was safe and coming home.

Hearing voices at the door she looked up to see who was entering. Three men and a woman walked in and stopped when they caught the tail end of what Aiden was saying.

The tall blond frowned. “Are we kicking someone’s ass?” he growled.

“Ari, what did you hear?” the woman asked.

“We’re gonna fuck some people up,” one of the other two men replied.

When her eyes met the crystalline blue ones of her dreams, she gasped aloud. “You?”

“That call is about you, isn’t it?” he demanded, the blue bleeding to a dark crimson. “Who hurt my mate?” he growled.

“Mate?” Meryn asked, her eyes going wide. “No shit?”

Zoe nodded. “He’s the one from my dreams, the eye of the firestorm, my safe harbor,” she whispered.

Aiden stared, then began laughing. “You heard right, her mate just walked through the door. Maybe she won’t need you after all,” he teased.

Whatever Mikel said in response had Aiden paling, but he was still smiling. “Then you better get here fast.” He tapped his phone and set it down. Rolling his eyes, he winked at her. “Brothers, am I right?”

The dark-haired man strode forward and knelt down on her other side. Very gently, he wiped away her tears. “Tell me what needs to be done to make you smile again.”

She pulled her hand from Pip, and he patted her encouragingly. “I’m not sure, but maybe we can figure it out together.” Straightening her back, she thrust out her hand. “My name is Zoe Appleblossom, it’s wonderful to finally meet the man of my dreams.”

With the crimson fading, his blue eyes smiled up at her. Taking her hand, he turned it over so he could kiss it. “My name is Gage Fabre, and it is an honor to meet the keeper of my heart and soul.”

Where his lips touched her skin, a flush of heat began. Within her body, a blaze erupted in her core and spread. “My mate,” she whispered, feeling her cheeks burn.

“Holy shit!” Meryn exclaimed.

Seconds later, Gage was pulling her out of her chair and away from where the drapes had suddenly caught fire.

Cord, in one fluid movement, pushed Pip to safety and yanked the drapes down to stomp out the flames. Without breaking a sweat, nor with a hair out of place, he turned to Zoe. “Now, Lady Zoe, would you like to try pizza for lunch?”