Portia knocked on the queen’s door, then opened it for them. “Your Majesty, Gage, and Zoe are here.”

To their shock, the queen stood and walked right toward them. First Gage, then Zoe, she reached out and embraced them tightly. “Thank you,” she choked on the words. “Thank you, for saving my sons and defending my people.”

She dropped into a curtsey as Gage bowed. “Of course, Your Majesty,” they said in unison.

“Come, sit,” Brennus ordered as he steered his own mate back to the table.

Once seated, Aiden glared in Gage and Priest’s direction. “None of my warriors are replaceable,” he began. “Neither one’s rank or mated status changes the value of a life lived.” He growled. “That being said, you two, along with Oron, will be receiving service medals in honor of your bravery and sacrifice.”

“What he means to say is thank you for shoving my ass through the portal,” Meryn added.

Priest laughed but quickly coughed when Aiden’s ire swung his way.

Oron looked over to Gage. “Ari said you needed to talk to me? Something you forgot to say when we were in the cave?” he asked, smiling.

Gage stared. “Something I couldn’t say because we were trapped in the cave.”

The smile on Oron’s face evaporated. “What could be that serious?”

Gage folded his hands on the table in front of him. “The feral that put the crystal into overload and turned it into a bomb, he said, ‘Tell my little brother Oron, thanks for the way in’.”

Oron looked like he was two seconds away from being physically ill. “I knew they were the ones responsible, but to know for sure that Callum turned,” he hung his head low.

“What did he mean, a way in?” Meryn asked.

Oron shook his head. “I have no idea. I haven’t had any contact with him since I was ten years old!” He shoved back from the table and began to pace.

“It’s not like you invented the new portals or ways into the city,” Meryn said, reaching for a pretzel.

Beside Darian, Amelia gasped and clutched at her chest. Instantly, all eyes were on her. Both Darian and Oron knelt down next to her.

Darian took her hand. “Are you well? Is it the baby?”

Amelia looked up at Oron. “I’m so sorry.”

Oron shook his head. “Whatever it is, it’s fine.”

“You don’t understand. It’s our fault.”

Oron blinked his confusion.

Amelia looked to Darian. “We brought the first feral to Éire Danu, using my soul as an anchor. We discovered a way.”

Oron stood, walked five feet, and screamed his anguish. His fist slammed into the wall before he strode from the room, crashing the door behind him.

Izzy jumped to her feet. “Thane, I’ll need you. His hand! We have to fix his hand!”

Thane cleared the corner of the table, and they both ran after Oron.

The queen covered her face. “How much more must he suffer? Must we suffer?”

Zoe looked over at Meryn. “His hand?”

Meryn looked angry and sad. “He’s an amazing artist.”

“Gods,” Zoe whispered to herself.

Darian cradled Amelia, who wept softly.