Seemingly bored, Yuki spun around in circles, his hands raised. Moments later, snow began to fall.

“I’ll be damned. Snow in Éire Danu,” Dav whispered.

Yuki smiled at her. “It’s cold enough now it won’t melt.” He pointed to where a fine layer of powdery snow began to cover the golden walkways of the fae.

Unlike the previous portal, this one opened up in the center of the Market district near the palace. Zoe took in the grim expressions of the older warriors around her.

After about an hour, Dav passed her a cup of hot coffee. “Fresh from the pub. Never thought we’d need to keep warm in Éire Danu,” he mused aloud.

One of the warriors called Yuki over, holding a small cup. When he extended it to the boy, Yuki turned to her for permission.

“What is it?” she asked.

The warrior smiled. “Just a bit of hot chocolate.”

She nodded, and Yuki took the cup happily.

By now, a good inch of snow covered the ground. Looking around, the white of the snow made the gold tones of the city look even more ethereal.

Suddenly bells began to sound all over the city. Zoe turned to Dav in a panic. “What does that mean?”

Dav exhaled and whooped. “Three bells sounded. That means Prince Oron is home! They found them!”

Zoe looked up at the palace. Did that mean they had found Gage too? Were they okay?

“Dav, Yuki, and I have to go to the palace…” she started before she heard cursing all around her.

Turning slowly, she saw the portal had solidified.

“I’d give my left nut for those fucking thermal goggles,” Dav complained.

Yuki ran behind her. “I saved your nuts.”

Dav looked down. “What?”

“Gods, look at the ground!” another warrior exclaimed.

Clear as day, a set of footprints were visible in the snow.

She raised her hand and let a fire bolt fly. Around her, gunfire sounded off as the warriors fired where the footprints stood. Blood splattered the snow, and a large oblong imprint appeared off to one side.

“Contact the palace. We have incoming!” Dav roared, his gun aimed at the portal.

Zoe kept Yuki behind her with her left hand and kept her right raised to cast.

“No screaming,hahaue,” Yuki reminded her. “We promisedchichiue.”

“You’re right. How about battle cries instead?” she asked, keeping her tone light.

“I think that would be okay.”

“Unit approaching in two minutes,” Bryok called out.

“I don’t think we have two minutes,” Dav whispered.

Zoe watched as close to a dozen footprints appeared. She shoved Yuki at Dav. “Guard him with your life!”

She stepped in front of the men behind her who could not see their enemies.